Dortmund Round 2

Dortmund Round 2

| 2 | Chess Event Coverage

Round 2 at Dortmund threw up another thrilling endgame tussle for the purists.

The difference was that whereas in the first round Dmitry Jakovenko (pictured) was the unwilling victim, this time he had a chance to display his own endgame prowess against Naiditsch.

The other games were quieter affairs.  Leko got nowhere against Carlsen with the white pieces and a draw was agreed after 24 moves. Bacrot was similarly successful in defusing Kramnik's ambitions with the Queen's Indian defence.

Round 3 will pair tournament leader Carlsen against Kramnik in a delicious irresistible force versus immovable object scenario.  Games start at 3pm local time and can be seen live at the official site(s) here or here.

Kramnik and Bacrot at the start of their game (pic from the official site)

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