
Dzagnidze winner 4th FIDE Women GP

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Dzagnidze leads GP in JermukNana Dzagnidze won the 4th FIDE Women Grand Prix in Jermuk, Armenia. The Georgian grandmaster finished on 9/11 (a 2748 performance), 1.5 points ahead of Tatiana Kosintseva.

The 4th FIDE Women Grand Prix tournament took place June 23 - July 6 in Jermuk, Armenia. Hou Yifan (CHN, 2589), Antoaneta Stefanova (BUL, 2560), Pia Cramling (SWE, 2536), Tatiana Kosintseva (RUS, 2534), Maia Chiburdanidze (GEO, 2514), Xu Yuhua (CHN, 2484), Nana Dzagnidze (GEO, 2478), Lilit Mkrtchian (ARM, 2477), Elina Danielian (ARM, 2473), Shen Yang (CHN, 2452), Baira Kovanova (RUS, 2366) and Martha Fierro (ECU, 2363) played. More info, also on the FIDE Women GP in general, can be found in our first report.

Rounds 9-11

Nana Dzagnidze had already reached a phenomenal score of 7.5 points after 8 rounds, and didn't need much energy to secure tournament victory. This was partly because her closest rival Tatiana Kosintseva, who kept pace in round 9 by beating Hou Yifan, missed a win in the penultimate round. (Well, 43...b5 looks like winning - see the game in the viewer below.) The Russian outplayed former World Champ Antoaneta Stefanova with Black, but then blew it and almost lost.

Stefanova-Kosintseva Jermuk FIDE Women GP Here the game ended in perpetual check. Can you find the win for White?

Missing an opportunity to come within half a point of Dzagnidze, a disappointed Kosintseva blundered a rook against Danielian on move 25 in the final round. This way Dzagnidze could go for a well-known theoretical move repetition in the Catalan (you've seen Qc2-c1-c2 & Bb7-e4-Bb7 before) to clinch first prize. The Georgian GM finished 1.5 points ahead of Kosintseva, who on her turn had a full point more than Elina Danielian and Lilit Mkrtchian, who shared third.

FIDE Women Grand Prix Jermuk 2010 | Round 11 Standings
FIDE Women Grand Prix Jermuk 2010 | Round 11 Standings

Games rounds 9-11

Game viewer by ChessTempo

Jermuk FIDE Women GP

The closing ceremony with the same figures as during the opening ceremony...

Jermuk FIDE Women GP by one asking the players to come forward - here Lilit Mkrtchian...

Jermuk FIDE Women GP

...Hou Yifan, in her own chess-themed dress

Jermuk FIDE Women GP Jermuk FIDE Women GP

Jermuk FIDE Women GP

A joyful finish of the tournament

Jermuk FIDE Women GP

Mkrtchian, Kosintseva and Dzagnidze holding a FIDE cheque

Jermuk FIDE Women GP

Hou Yifan, Shen Yang, Xu Yuhua and Lilit Mkrtchian

Jermuk FIDE Women GP

Tatiana Kosintseva and Baira Kovanova

Jermuk FIDE Women GP

And the winner is... Nana Dzagnidze

Photos © Arman Karakhanyan courtesy of FIDE, more here


Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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