
Engaging chess pieces

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We are selling a surprisingly high number of copies of a book by Howard Goldowsky, a chess writer from Massachusetts. The title of Goldowsky's book is: Engaging Pieces: Interviews and Prose for the Chess Fan. The book consists mainly of interviews with American chess players and writers. Jennifer Shahade, Mig Greengard and Hikaru Nakamura are among the ones he talks with, as is controversial chess guru Michael ("the blind leading the blind" -- Jeremy Silman) de la Maza, who claimed that he gained 400 elopoints in 400 days (by using the tactics program Chess Tactics Art 3.0). Goldowsky also interviews three authors of recent big general public bestsellers on chess: Paul Hoffman, the author of King's Gambit David Shenk, writer of The Immortal Game Michael Weinreb, who wrote The Kings of New York.

Interesting and entertaining stuff for anyone with an interest in the wider impact of chess.
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