European Team Championships: Round 7 Report: England vs Germany

European Team Championships: Round 7 Report: England vs Germany

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 After a disappointing day for both teams in round 6 they would be looking to bounce back immediately in round 7.

 The Men faced a strong German team (seeded 1 place above them) and won a close match 2.5-1.5.

 On top board Michael Adams played the Ruy Lopez against Arkadij Naiditsch (2639) and achieved a slight edge. He kept up the pressure throughout the middlegame and into a rook and minor piece ending. Eventually Naiditsch guided it into a drawish R and opposite colour Bishop ending which he held after 51 moves.

 Nick Pert successfully overcame his disappointing loss from round 6 to hold Jan Gustafsson (2606) in a Slav. Nick played a solid game with the Black pieces and achieved a good result for the team.

 This allowed the man in form, Mark Hebden, to utilise the White pieces on board 3 against Ralner Buhmann (2567). Mark conceded the two Bishops early on for quick develpment and a space advantage. He turned this into an extra pawn and used his great experience to win the endgame.

 On board 4 Stuart Conquest got into an strange sort of c3 Sicilian as Black against David Baramidze (2569). He held his own in a typically messy encounter which fizzled out to a drawn ending after 30 moves.

 The women were also looking to make amends for a poor previous match and they did so with a 2.5-1.5 win against Sweden.

 Jovanka Houska faced 4..f5 against her Ruy Lopez from Svetlana Agrest (2255). This proved to be a poor opening choice from the Swede as Jovanka quickly gained first the initiative and then a pawn. Jovanka gave her opponent no chances as she exchanged off into an ending and picked off her opponent's pawns. A confident win.

 Dagne Ciuksyte faced early pressure as Black in the Sicilian against Christin Andersson (2209). She defended accurately and then pressed for the win herself. She won a piece for 3 pawns and it looked as though she might have enough to win but her opponent found a clever way to hold the draw by sacking a couple of pawns to activate her King.

 Ingrid Lauterbach has been the star for the women's team on many occasions in this tournament and it was true again today. After achieving little or no edge on the White side of a Rossolimo Sicilian she confidentally outplayed Viktoria Johansson (2203). Ingrid won one pawn and another quickly followed. Viktoria achieved some superficial compensation but this quickly evaporated and Vikroria resigned after 34 moves.

 On board 4 Meri Grigoryan-Lyell played an ambitious opening as Black against Eva Jiretorn (2121). Eva reacted strongly and finished the opening a pawn up. Thereafter Meri was not able to create much counterplay and lost in a Rook+pawn ending after 52 moves.

 An encouraging day for both teams after the disappointment of the previous round.

  After 7 rounds the Men have won 3, drawn 2 and lost 2. They have 15.5/28 game points. Mark Hebden is still top scorer with 5/7.

 The women have won 3 and lost 4. They have 10/28 game points.

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