Extreme Chess Championships part II
The second episode of the Extreme Chess Championships was recently published uploaded to YouTube. In this chess reality TV show, created by Jennifer Shahade, her brother Greg Shahade and Daniel Meirom, a group of young Americans of different cultures fight each other at the board with 15 minutes plus 5 seconds increment.
The games are played in the famous Marshall Chess Club in New York*. The commentary provided in these nicely produced videos includes explanation of the moves at novice level, making the series a great tool to popularize the game.
Here's the second episode of the Extreme Chess Championships aka "X Chess Champs". This one features a "Battle of the Sexes" double header with 16-year-old chessmaster Alena Kats facing poker player & chess champ Alex Barnett while law student & ballerina Alisa Melekhina plays an intense match vs. Stanford senior Elliott Liu.
You can find the X Chess Champs on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. We previously wrote about them in this article, where you can find the trailer and the first episode.
*Update February 8th, 2012 12:56 CET
The games in the videos were actually played at the offices of Chess-in-the-Schools, the New York City non-profit that brings chess to kids all over the city.