FIDE July Rating List - Top 10 Chess Players

FIDE July Rating List - Top 10 Chess Players

| 9 | Chess Players

The latest quarterly FIDE rating list is out and the top 10 rated chess players in the world are listed below, with links to their Wikipedia entries. Smile

1 Anand, Viswanathan IND 2792    
2 Kramnik, Vladimir RUS 2769    
3 Topalov, Veselin BUL 2768    
4 Ivanchuk, Vassily UKR 2762    
5 Morozevich, Alexander RUS 2758    
6 Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar AZE 2755    
7 Leko, Peter HUN 2751    
8 Aronian, Levon ARM 2750    
9 Radjabov, Teimour AZE 2746    
10 Jakovenko, Dmitry RUS 2735    
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