Readers from around the globe, welcome!?Ǭ†I'm delighted that my interview with John?Ǭ†Nunn has been mentioned by the international chess media. Not surprisingly, this has a nice effect on my visitors statistics.?Ǭ†Unfortunately for you guys, (at least for the moment) I'm not planning to continue this blog in the English language...Mijn interview werd vanmorgen genoemd in Alexander Baburins e-mailschaakkrant
Chess Today?Ǭ†en Mark Crowther noemde het al op?Ǭ†zijn
The Week in Chess:"Most of the rest don't compete that much these days and John Nunn (
See interview at: in fact went as far as to announce his retirement a few years ago and in the end the 6 point gap was to be expected (...)"Daarna?Ǭ†werd het, neem ik aan,?Ǭ†overgenomen?Ǭ†door?Ǭ†het Zweedse
"30/8 Sv?ɬ•rt att skriva en bra ?ɬ?ppningsbok...
GM John Nunn fr?ɬ•n England som deltog i matchen '
Rising Stars' versus 'Experience' i Holland har efter turneringen
intervjuats p?ɬ• Peter Doggers Blog om sin syn p?ɬ• matchen och sin egen framtid inom schacket."En ook het Noorse
Molde Sjakklub:"Les ogs?ɬ• det interessante intervjuet med John Nunn hos
Doggers schaak."Ben benieuwd wat volgt. Doggy goes international! :)
Update:?Ǭ†inmiddels prijkt mijn interview ook op de site van Chessbase!?Ǭ†