GM Dzindzichasvili and NM Mabe Win 2008 SC Open

GM Dzindzichasvili and NM Mabe Win 2008 SC Open

| 8 | Chess Event Coverage

The 2008 South Carolina Open was held from June 27-29, 2008 in Greenville, SC. The event had 2 GMs and 6 NMs to make a very competitive field. GM Roman Dzindzichasvili and NM Chris Mabe both of who scored 4.5/5 and went undefeated split first place.

Below is one of the key games for GM Dzindzichasvili which led him to split first place (with full annotations and commentary):



Final Standings:

1-2) GM Dzindzichashvili, NM Mabe (4.5/5)

3) GM Ftacnik (4/5)

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