Grischuk increases lead in Bilbao
Round 2
It must be a very comfortable feeling to realize that, playing two games in a glass cube, you have actually collected six points on the leaderboard. That's the case for Alexander Grischuk, who drew number one at the drawing of lots on Saturday which meant he could start the tournament with two White games.The Russian profited optimally from this slight advantage by defeating both Aronian and Shirov. In the second round his advantage out of the opening, which almost directly led to an ending, was very small, but enough to keep Shirov busy for several hours. It's not easy to say at which point the ending turned from bad into lost, but taking the pawn on g2 is probably a mistake.The glass cube already looks too big this year with just two boards inside, but yesterday one of those was already empty after about two hours. Sergey Karjakin had a bad day and simply played far below is normal level. In bad shape, with Black against Aronian, you know you'll get into trouble.The game had started with an ancient line of the Nimzo-Indian (Rubinstein variation) which pops up games like Tal-Gipslis, Donner-Portisch and Gligoric-Unzicker when browsing through the database. Aronian came up with an interesting novelty, but it doesn't look terribly dangerous actually. It was a bit of a surprise that Karjakin went for an ending that was clearly better for White, allowing a rook on the seventh. Just a few more inaccurate moves and the game was over.Round 2 games
Game viewer by ChessTempoBilbao Grand Slam Final Masters 2009 | Schedule & results
Grischuk also tries to remember the old Nimzo line
Shirov, perhaps listening to Leontxo Garcia's commentary? (As we've understood, just like last year, sometimes the players can hear sounds from outside)
Daily blitz tournaments next to the glass cube