Grischuk And Aronian Lead In Linares
In round 3 in Linares, all games were hard-fought draws where Radjabov, Anand, Carlsen and Grischuk demonstrated how to hang on in an inferior endgame. A useful skill to acquire and some very instructive games once again!
In today's round 4, Grischuk (pictured) and Aronian both won to put them in a share of the lead on 3/4. Grischuk beat Radjabov with the black pieces in a Queen's Indian and Aronian beat Dominguez in a long and hard-fought ending, which was the last game to finish.
Another interesting encounter was Vishy Anand's first ever game with China's Wang Yue. The world champion ended up a convincing winner after Yue seemed to either underestimate or miss 24. b5!
Magnus Carlsen and Vassily Ivanchuk clashed head on in the topical Grunfeld defence, and after a lively tactical encounter they split the points.
Tomorrow is a rest day, so round 5 will be on Tuesday. The official site can be found here.