
Groningen, Hastings, Stockholm

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Three open tournaments with a long tradition have recently finished: events in Groningen, Hastings and Stockholm. Alexander Kovchan en Robert Hess finished shared first in the north-east of The Netherlands, already before the end of 2011. In Hastings, the longest running tournament in the world, Wang Yue ended clear first while Aleksandr Shimanov was the strongest in the Swedish capital.


The 48th Groningen Chess Festival was held December 21-30 in hotel Hampshire Plaza in Groningen, The Netherlands. As always, lots of different tournaments were held before and after Christmas: a 9-round Swiss played over three different groups as well as shorter tournaments. There were also two short matches which started after Christmas, between 12-year-old talent Jorden van Foreest & GM Hans Ree, and between 11-year-old talent Anna-Maja Kazarian & Martine Middelveld.

The main group was won by Alexander Kovchan (Ukraine) who edged out Robert Hess (USA) on tie-break. Both players finished on 7/9, half a point clear of Sergei Tiviakov and Yaroslav Zherebukh.

Selection of games

PGN file

Final standings (top 30)

1Kovchan, AlexanderGMUKR2573=111½½11½7.02760
2Hess, Robert LGMUSA262511½1½½11½7.02702
3Tiviakov, SergeiGMNED2650111½½½1016.52675
4Zherebukh, YaroslavGMUKR25941111½½½½½6.52653
5Rapport, RichardGMHUN2534110111½0½6.02603
6Ruck, RobertGMHUN257911½½01½1½6.02574
7Romanov, EvgenyGMRUS26271½011101½6.02553
8Durarbeyli, VasifGMAZE2539½10½11½½16.02471
9Ernst, SipkeGMNED25931=½11001½5.52530
10Poetsch, HagenIMGER2408111001½015.52505
11Michalik, PeterGMSVK2509110½101015.52453
12Michiels, BartIMBEL2492011110½½½5.52503
13Klein, DavidFMNED23781½½½½0½115.52443
14Naroditsky, DanielIMUSA247211½½01½105.52468
15Plat, VojtechIMCZE242511½0½1½015.52464
16Bok, BenjaminIMNED2513011½110105.52437
17Hoffmann, MichaelGMGER2499½10½11½½½5.52428
18Brandenburg, DaanGMNED2519½01101½1½5.52363
19Pijpers, Arthur NED23321010101105.02377
20Thesing, MatthiasIMGER24091½0½011015.02342
21Georgiadis, NicoFMSUI2316101½0½½½15.02323
22Assendelft van, FlorisFMNED23571010½½1015.02347
23Ypma, Peter NED2105½1100½01½4.52398
24Kuipers, StefanFMNED2396101½100104.52400
25Overdam van, Julian NED2244½010½½1½½4.52332
26Jong de, MigchielIMNED2367½01½10½014.52307
27Galoyan, LevonFMARM2231010110½014.52302
28Thakur, Akash IND232410½½0½1104.52304
29Firat, BurakIMTUR23930½101½10½4.52284
30Nuri, KambezFMSUI225601010½1104.52306


The 87th Hastings Chess Congress took place December 28, 2011 - January 5, 2012 at the Horntye Park Sports Complex in Hastings, England. Like in Groningen, there was a main group that played a 9-round Swiss but there were side events as well, such as Christmas Morning Tournaments, Christmas Afternoon Tournaments, Weekend Tournaments and New Year Tournaments.

Leading the field in the Masters Tournament was Chinese grandmaster Wang Yue. He reached No 11 in world rankings at his peak but is currently ranked 49th in the world. Still, he confirmed to be the strongest in Hastings, winning the event with 7.5/9, half a point clear of GM Andrei Istratescu (France) and IMs Babu Lalith & Sundar Shyam (both India).

Winner of the Hastings Masters Wang Yue, centre, with Amber Rudd MP and Cllr. Maureen Charlesworth

Selection of games

PGN file

Final standings (top 30)

1Wang, YueGMCHN269711½111½1½7.52774
2Istratescu, AndreiGMFRA2627111½½01117.02672
3Lalith, Babu M.R.IMIND2484110111½1½7.02657
4Shyam, Sundar M.IMIND2462011111½1½7.02604
5Vovk, YuriGMUKR257101111011½6.52511
6Sengupta, DeepGMIND256211½½11½016.52616
7Das, ArghyadipIMIND247011½½101½16.52568
8Howell, David W LGMENG2633111½0½0116.02547
9Edouard, RomainGMFRA262111½½1½10½6.02528
10Pert, NicholasGMENG2563½1½1101½½6.02518
11Hebden, Mark LGMENG25151101½1½016.02490
12Williams, Simon KGMENG25131½11½½½016.02516
13Holzke, FrankGMGER25061½½11½01½6.02514
14Shyam, Nikil P.IMIND2482½110½1½½16.02412
15Flear, Glenn CGMENG2472½½01111016.02372
16Simacek, PavelIMCZE2448101½1011½6.02445
17Anwesh, UpadhyayaIMIND24131½½011½½16.02394
18Roy Chowdhury, SaptarshiIMIND2411½½11½½½½16.02360
19Padmini, RoutWGMIND2392=½110½1½16.02356
20Kjartansson, GudmundurIMISL23260111011106.02499
21Vovk, AndreyGMUKR25511½01111005.52455
22Demuth, AdrienIMFRA244210½1011½½5.52309
23Vuilleumier, AlexandreIMSUI235610110101½5.52364
24Godard, MaxenceIMFRA23331½1½0011½5.52454
25Knott, Simon J BIMENG2332½1011½0½15.52366
26Haydon, David LFMENG2296½½½1110105.52421
27MacQueen, Calum SCO22190½11100115.52312
28Olsarova, KarolinaWIMCZE216710110½1½½5.52437
29Karthikeyan, Murali IND2154½½1011½½½5.52359
30Houska, JovankaIMENG2415101101½0½5.02336


The 41st Rilton Cup, held December 27, 2011 - January 5, 2012 at the Clarion Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden was be played in three groups: the Rilton Cup (Elo 2200 and/or national rating 2200), the Rilton Elo and the Rilton Open (only for nordic players with a national rating lower than 1800). The Rilton Cup and the Rilton Elo were 9 round  Swisses.

The top players in the main group were Bartosz Socko, Dragan Solak, Sergey Volkov, Grzegorz Gajewski and Erwin L'Ami. The event was won by Aleksandr Shimanov (Russia) who finished on 7.5/9, a point clear of Slavko Cicak, Dragan Solak, Eduardas Rozentalis, Sergey Ivanov and Bartosz Socko. Alina l'Ami, the wife of Erwin, scored her third (regular) IM norm and only needs to get her rating over 2400 to get the title.

Selection of games

PGN file

Final standings (top 30)

1GMShimanov AleksandrRUS25497.540.50.02793
2GMCicak SlavkoSWE25666.536.50.02669
3GMSolak DraganTUR26296.534.00.02647
4GMRozentalis EduardasLTU25866.534.00.02589
5GMIvanov SergeyRUS25376.534.00.02591
6GMSocko BartoszPOL26356.532.50.02591
7GMGajewski GrzegorzPOL26166.033.00.02582
8GMTikkanen HansSWE25866.032.50.02576
9GMBrynell StellanSWE24866.032.00.02574
10GML'Ami ErwinNED25946.031.50.02552
11GMBakre TejasIND25096.031.00.02536
12GMVolkov SergeyRUS26266.030.50.02511
13FMSipilä VilkaFIN23166.030.00.02505
14IMNithander VictorSWE24236.029.00.02483
15GMKarlsson LarsSWE24856.028.00.02471
16IMSmith AxelSWE24805.531.50.02531
17IMLindberg BengtSWE24155.530.00.02427
18GMSocko MonicaPOL24795.527.00.02403
19WGML'Ami AlinaROU23645.526.00.02459
20IMNielsen Fries Jens OveDEN23875.525.50.02357
21GMBerczes DavidHUN25555.029.00.02414
22GMBellon JuanESP24195.028.50.02385
23 Denisov IvanRUS2348234828.00.02461
24 Johansson LinusSWE2197219728.00.02473
25GMÅkesson RalfSWE24215.027.50.02371
26IMSemcesen DanielSWE24905.027.50.02376
27FMSagit RauanSWE23685.026.00.02409
28IMFurhoff JohanSWE23705.022.50.02310
29FMCodenotti MarcoITA22935.021.50.02276
30GMRasmussen Allan StigDEN25415.021.00.02294


Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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