
Hoang Thanh Trang leads European Women's Championship

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Hoang Thanh Trang is leading the European Women's Champoinship after six rounds. Four participants are half a point behind: Marie Sebag, Valentina Gunina, Cristina-Adela Foisor and Viktorija Cmilyte.

Hoang Thanh Trang (Hungary) | All photos by Anastasiya Karlovich © Turkish Chess Federation

EventEuropen Women's Championship | PGN
DatesMarch 2nd-13th, 2012
LocationGaziantep, Turkey
System11-round Swiss
The top seeded players are Anna Muzychuk, Nana Dzagnidze, Kateryna Lahno, Nadezhda Kosintseva, Antoaneta Stefanova, Tatiana Kosintseva, Marie Sebag, Valentina Gunina and Viktorija Cmilyte
Rate of play90 minutes for 40 moves followed by 30 minutes to finish the game, with 30 seconds increment from move 1
Prize fundFirst prize € 20,500 and € 150,000 in total, including the European Rapid Championship and European Blitz Championship which are held right afterwards 

We pick up the tournament from the second round - our first report can be found here. At the start of this round, FIDE Vice President and Turkish Chess Federation President Ali Nihat Yazici announced that the Chairman of the FIDE Qualification Commission, Mikko Markkula, had passed away. Chessbase has an eulogy.

In this round, Nadezhda Kosintseva unexpectedly lost her game against Sopilko Guramishvili. Jovana Vojinovic defended well and won against her higher rated opponent Elisabeth Paehtz, who sacrificed a piece in an equal position.

Nastassia Ziaziulkina vs Natalija Pogonina, a game from round 2

After three rounds, only three players were left with 100%. Defending European champion Viktorija Cmilyte won her game against Jovana Vojinovic while Cristina-Adela Foisor and Marie Sebag were defeated Tatiana Kosintseva and Natasa Bojkovic respectively. On first board former world champion Antoaneta Stefanova was held to a draw by Salome Melia. The upset of the day was Hilal Ozturk beating Anastasia Savina, who was 550 points higher rated!

A good day for Hilal Ozturk: rated 1784 she beat a 2325

In the fourth round Marie Sebag of France grabbed sole lead thanks to a win over reigning champion Viktorija Cmilyte. Valentina Gunina, Nastassia Ziazulkina, Nino Khurtsidze, Hoang Thanh Trang and Zoya Schlening managed to win, and were sharing second place, half a point behind Sebag.

Marie Sebag of France was leading the field after round 4

Sebag dropped her first half point the next day, against Valentina Gunina. The French lady was caught in the standings by Cristina-Adela Foisor, who defeated Nino Khurtsidze. The Georgian player blundered a rook in slightly better endgame and had to resign immediately. Hungarian player Hoang Thanh Trang became the third leader after beating Nastassia Ziaziulkina. Six players were on 4 points, sharing 4th place.

A cheerful atmosphere at ther start of round 5

Hoang Thanh Trang became the sole leader after the sixth round. Her opponent Olga Girya decided to trade queens and transfer the game into a knight endgame which happened to be more pleasant for the Hungarian player, who succeeded to convert her advantage into a full point. Four participants are half a point behind: Marie Sebag, Valentina Gunina, Cristina-Adela Foisor and Viktorija Cmilyte.

Hoang Thanh Trang leads the European Women's Championship after six rounds

The European Women's Championship is the first ECU tournament where the new dress code is applied. On the website of the tournament, an interview is published with General Secretary of ECU Sava Stoisavljevic. It makes clear that despite introducing these rules per January 1, 2012 the ECU doesn't know exactly what should be allowed, and what not. When Anastasiya Karlovich asks: "What do you think, is it acceptable to wear short skirts or open décolleté in the playing hall?" Stoisavljevic replies

Décolleté is partly covered in our regulations stating that in respect to shirts the second from the top button may also be opened in addition to the very top button. But, nothing is written in our rules about the length of skirts or dresses. There are several special rules in some companies which put restrictions on the length of skirts and dresses - not shorter than 5-10 cm above the knees for example. I can see that there are many players here who wear very short skirts. It's nice to see chess players with short skirts - they are very pretty girls, but I believe there should still be some limit. (...) So, the question remains open – I don't know if we should do something about it or not.

The Championship runs until March 13th and takes place in the Anatolian Hotel in Gaziantep, Turkey. The men's (or rather: open) event will be held from March 19th till April 1st, 2012 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Selection of games rounds 2-6

PGN file


European Women's Championship 2012 | Round 6 standings (top 30)

121GMHOANG Thanh Trang2438HUN5.5272716½195
27GMSEBAG Marie2512FRA5.0268522254
38IMGUNINA Valentina2511RUS5.026831921½4
431IMFOISOR Cristina-Adela2398ROU5.026672020½4
59GMCMILYTE Viktorija2497LTU5.0265819225
66GMKOSINTSEVA Tatiana2513RUS4.5258620½23½4
71IMMUZYCHUK Anna2583SLO4.5257118½213
820IMKHURTSIDZE Nino2447GEO4.5253418½214
93GMLAHNO Kateryna2546UKR4.5251415½183
1029WGMPAIKIDZE Nazi2406GEO4.5236516183
115GMSTEFANOVA Antoaneta2531BUL4.0251520233
1251WGMSCHLEINING Zoya2326GER4.025151919½3
1333WGMGURAMISHVILI Sopiko2395GEO4.0249219213
1428WGMGIRYA Olga2406RUS4.0247519½223
1517WGMPOGONINA Natalija2449RUS4.0244715½182
1615IMMKRTCHIAN Lilit2458ARM4.0244415½18½3
1712GMDANIELIAN Elina2478ARM4.0244414½16½3
1830IMMELIA Salome2400GEO4.024191718½3
1924IMROMANKO Marina2417RUS4.0241614163
2019IMJAVAKHISHVILI Lela2448GEO4.024121718½2
2126IMREPKOVA Eva2416SVK4.0241015173
2225IMGAPONENKO Inna2416UKR4.024071618½3
2323GMZHUKOVA Natalia2435UKR4.023851314½3
2446WIMGORYACHKINA Aleksandra2341RUS4.0232715½163
2561WIMIVAKHINOVA Inna2285RUS3.5248719223
2660WGMVIDENOVA Iva2301BUL3.5242420222
2744WIMZIAZIULKINA Nastassia2343BLR3.5242321½243
2864WIMRAKIC Marija2267SRB3.5242017192
2941WGMVOJINOVIC Jovana2356MNE3.5240618½20½3
3022WGMBATSIASHVILI Nino2438GEO3.5240418½21½2


Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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