Hou Yifan One Point From Title
GM Hou Yifan now has three wins and three draws from six games against Women's World Champion GM Anna Ushenina in their best-of-ten series. The Chinese teenager, playing near her hometown in Taizhou, now only needs one point from her final four games to recapture the top title in women's chess.
Hou Yifan won her third game today from the Black side to remain perfect with that color. Unlke rounds one and three, which were Nimzo-Indians, the Queen's Indian was used in round six. Even with the change, Hou Yifan did not spend much time in the opening, and got her attack going with a Benoni-style pawn structure.
Ushenina tried to mitigate the pressure with an exchange sacrifice, but Black's rooks proved too dominant. Running low on time, White began to make errors leading up to the time control.
Facing a desperate situation, Ushenina made her 40th move, Bxa1, but her time ran out before she pressed her clock, leading to a loss on time.
All three games in which Hou Yifan was White ended in draws.
The players will have a rest day tomorrow, with round seven to come September 20th. The match could end then, if Hou Yifan wins with White to get to the winning margin of 5.5 points.
All pictures courtesy FIDE Press Officer Anastasiya Karlovich.