
Improve your openings, middlegame and endgame, try our PDF & PGN magazines!

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Our weekly PDF & PGN magazines ChessVibes Openings and ChessVibes Training complement each other wonderfully. CVO helps your understanding of openings and keeps your repertoire up to date, while CVT provides instructive middlegame and endgame lessons, and a column by top GM Anish Giri. Did you know? If you subscribe to both of our magazines, you get an 8 Euro discount!

Which openings are hot in top level chess? Which are not? Receive the latest opening novelties right in your mailbox with ChessVibes Openings, a weekly PDF magazine (+ PGN!) covering the latest openings news, co-authored by International Masters Merijn van Delft and Robert Ris and published by ChessVibes.

What is ChessVibes Openings?

ChessVibes Openings - What's hot and what's not?Every issue consists of a PDF Magazine and the accompanying PGN file. The PDF consists of four pages (A4 size) with the following contents:

  • What's hot? A round-up of this week's important opening developments, with statistics about the frequence and score of the week's most important opening novelty (page 1)
  • What's not? Which openings are not recommended at the moment, according to the top players? And why not? (page 1)
  • Game of the week Each week you'll find the theoretically most important game analysed by our two IMs, with a detailed survey of the opening phase (page 2).
  • This week's harvest Four more new important opening ideas from this week (page 3) revealed and described with explanation of the opening and early middlegame (page 3).
  • It's Your Move An interactive element: every week two exercises, of which the solutions/explanations will follow one week later. This will improve your understanding of certain opening, middlegame or even endgame themes even further.

How to subscribe? Click on one of the buttons:


Payments can be done directly via Paypal, or by credit card after creating a Paypal account which takes a minute. Please drop us an email if you prefer to pay by bank transfer! Mail us
For Dutch clients it's possible to pay via iDEAL, the Dutch online bank system with which you can pay safely, secure and comfortably.

Can I buy back issues?

Yes you can! At the moment we offer the complete package of back issues for 69,95 EUR. You can also buy separate years. In all cases, you will receive a ZIP file with all PDFs and PGNs, and also one big PGN file with all issues together - which means a wonderful overview of the most important novelties from 2009 until now.

CVO back issues

 ChessVibes Training - Let's improve your chess Want to improve your chess? See more combinations, understand middle game plans, hear about useful endgame motifs? Receive the best chess tips available with ChessVibes Training, a weekly PDF magazine (+ PGN!) co-authored by International Masters Merijn van Delft, Robert Ris and Thomas Willemze, and including a weekly column by top GM Anish Giri.ChessVibes Training - Let's improve your chess

What is ChessVibes Training?

Every issue consists of a PDF Magazine and the accompanying PGN file. The PDF consists of eight pages (A4 size) with the following contents:

  • Giri's Grab Bag - A weekly column by GM Anish Giri in which he tells about his tournament practice and his excitement and worries during a top level chess game.
  • Guess the move - A weekly game quiz by IM Merijn van Delft that gives you the opportunity to solve problems that GMs couldn't. What move did they play? Can you calculate as deeply? Give it a try and see how many points you score this week!
  • Improve your play - An interactive section by IM Thomas Willemze that discusses games from our readers. Yes, that's you! You can send in your game(s) and Thomas will pinpoint mistakes and possible improvements from a number of amateur games every week.
  • Tactics, tactics - 12 tactical exercises carefully selected by IM Robert Ris, arranged in increasing level. Regular tactical training is highly important to maintain your top form, and now it will be easier than ever with new diagrams delivered in your mailbox every week!
  • Practical endings - IM Robert Ris gives a clear explanation of a recent endgame played by strong players, focusing on text rather than variations. Every week a typical endgame theme is discussed, sometimes with the emphasis on the theory, but always providing you with useful guidelines.

The magazine is published every week on Saturday morning, so that you can devote your weekend to studying chess! 

Pricing and paying

As a subscriber you'll receive the PDF Magazine (8 pages) and accompanying PGN files in your mailbox every week. The basic price is € 40* for a full year but you can also choose other options. Payments can be done via Paypal, by credit card after creating a Paypal account (which takes about a minute), bank transfer or iDEAL. Just click on the option that suits you most!


Please note that you'll be creating a recurring payment, which means that after the chosen period another payment will be made via Paypal and your subscription will be renewed automatically. Naturally you can always decide to cancel your subscription instead and cancel the recurring Paypal payment.

Bank transfer

Please drop us an email if you prefer to pay by bank transfer!

Mail us


For Dutch clients it's possible to pay for a 1-year subscription via iDEAL, the Dutch online bank system with which you can pay safely, secure and comfortably. Just click on the logo on the right.


ChessVibes Openings and ChessVibes Training

Our other magazine ChessVibes Openings, which is 4 pages, costs € 28 a year. If you're already a subscriber to CVO, you should have received a newsletter this week that announced a serious discount. Not a CVO subscriber yet, and interested in getting both magazines? The two separate magazine subscriptions are 28 + 40 = 68 Euro but if you go for both you only pay 60 Euro! (click for price in US$) ChessVibes Openings & ChessVibesTraining Duo Subscription

Can I buy back issues?

Yes you can! At the moment we offer back issues 1-40 for 29,95 EUR. You can also buy sets of ten issues separately. In all cases, you will receive a ZIP file with all PDFs and PGNs with dozens of pages full of instructive chess content.

CVT back issues


Read CVO & CVT on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

With the app SmartChess! you can also read ChessVibes Openings on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch*. We've put CVO at the lowest possible price that Apple allows, which is $0.99 or €0.79. More info can be found here.

*At the moment we offer single issues only, so this means they're not included in the subscription. At the moment we cannot offer discounts to our subscribers, partly due to Apple's policy against subscriptions.



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