Kaidanov-Polgar: Blitzoff!

Kaidanov-Polgar: Blitzoff!

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| 20 | Chess Event Coverage

Well I guess you know the outcome of the fourth and final regulation game. GM Judit Polgar won to even the score between the players at 2 as well as skunking Black for the match. Kaidanov was playing the Scheveningen Sicilian and as in the previous days, Black let the game slip with mistakes. In the end of the game Black with 11:21 on his clock, and a two pawn deficit, resigned.


This victory for Polgar means that tomorrow, February 26, there will be a blitzoff starting at 2:00 pm EST(US). Well as you can see from the games that have been played there hasn't been much success from the Black pieces.  We'll have to see tomorrow whether or not Black's Sicilian can win.  Remember that the games will be webcast here. The best of luck to both players tomorrow

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