Karjakin Beats Grischuk in 4th Round Norway Chess

Karjakin Beats Grischuk in 4th Round Norway Chess

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The fourth round of the Norway Chess tournament saw four draws and one decisive game. In a Grünfeld Sergey Karjakin beat his compatriot Alexander Grischuk, who hasn't played a single draw yet. Fabiano Caruana, who split the point with Anish Giri, maintained his half point lead but now Vladimir Kramnik is in clear second place. The two Norwegian participants, Magnus Carlsen and Simen Agdestein, both drew their first four games.

Before discussing the 4th round, here are some nice pictures from the events on the rest day, when the players visited the Vågen high school in Sandnes. There was a chess tournament for the pupils, and also non-chess activities.

A great day of activities in Sandnes
More than 150 children played
Magnus Carlsen watching
Veselin Topalov speaking to the media
Sergey Karjakin and his wife Galiya Kamalova playing Brainball: a game where the one who has the least brain activity wins!
Levon Aronian trying his best at... not to think!
Tournament leader Fabiano Caruana had a hard time not using his brains

The next day the players needed their brains once again for a new round in the strong Norway Chess tournament. Some of the “top boards” ended in draws, but as it turned out Fabiano Caruana had chances to increase his lead. 

The Italian player actually didn't get much with the White pieces against Anish Giri; both Levon Aronian and Peter Svidler felt that Black was slightly better after 20 moves. But in the next ten moves or so, Giri misplayed it and got “a lousy position”, as he said himself. It was Caruana's time trouble that prevented him from gaining an advantage, although also after move 40 White could perhaps improve. “I should manage my time better. Again I had 2 minutes for whatever it was, 10 moves....” (Caruana)

Caruana vs Giri

Aronian & Svidler commented on this game after playing a relatively quick draw in a Grünfeld. “I wasn't really prepared for this opening,” joked Aronian, who went for the 8.Rb1 line but had prepared nothing spectacular.

Aronian vs Svidler

Magnus Carlsen played another draw, his fourth game in a row, against Veselin Topalov. It was the shortest game of the round, and it was the Bulgarian who had the better chances. In a Ragozin he played an interesting new move which forced his opponent to be careful. However, Carlsen was cautious enough and found the most accurate defence, after which neither player had good reason to avoid the repetition of moves. 

Carlsen: “The only issue for me really has been the game against Fabiano. In the first two games I thought I was paying fine and also today I didn't do anything wrong, it was just a normal game. Last year I started with four draws and then I won three in a row (before screwing up). I think there are still chances. Tomorrow [against Aronian - PD] will be a very interesting game.”

Topalov vs Carlsen

That other Norwegian player, Simen Agdestein, is still doing fine - result wise. Both he and his opponent Vladimir Kramnik appeared at the press conference coughing, and the Russian revealed that Agdestein had he were even sharing medicine! In the game they split the point in a Nimzo-Indian, after Kramnik had played a “new concept” (11...h6) in a well-known IQP position. “It was played by a female player - but a strong female player!” said Kramnik, who had looked at the idea while preparing for the Candidates tournament.

Nigel Short was surprised that Kramnik's opening play was so solid “against a player 150 Elo points lower”. The 14th World Champion explained his strategy as follows: “In the tournaments I play, even the lowest rated players are generally very strong. My approach is just to play my normal chess and if I will get a chance I will use it. I am not trying to win by all means.”

At the end Agdestein got a bit ambitious and then had to be careful, but objectively it was always a draw.

Another good draw for Agdestein

In the longest game of the day there was finally a result. Sergey Karjakin defeated Alexander Grischuk in another Grünfeld, where a good, practical decision turned out to be very important. When Black took on d4 on move 16 it was clear that White's opening had failed, and either recapture was unpleasant. Karjakin chose cxd4 as it was “more complicated”, and indeed it was. Black won an Exchange, but his rook was trapped for a while and he couldn't find the ideal setup on the queenside without letting a white rook becoming active. Grischuk played on for a win too long, and eventually lost.

Karjakin vs Grischuk
“I think I'm playing terribly in this tournament. It's disgusting to lose such a position,” said Grischuk.

VG TV's studio - again live broadcast of chess on Norwegian TV!

Norway Chess | Schedule & Pairings

Round 1 03.06.14 15:30 CET   Round 2 04.06.14 15:30 CET
Aronian ½-½ Agdestein   Aronian 1-0 Karjakin
Karjakin ½-½ Topalov   Kramnik ½-½ Carlsen
Grischuk 0-1 Caruana   Caruana 1-0 Svidler
Carlsen ½-½ Giri   Topalov 0-1 Grischuk
Svidler ½-½ Kramnik   Agdestein ½-½ Giri
Round 3 05.06.14 15:30 CET   Round 4 07.06.14 15:30 CET
Karjakin ½-½ Agdestein   Aronian ½-½ Svidler
Grischuk 1-0 Aronian   Karjakin 1-0 Grischuk
Svidler ½-½ Topalov   Caruana ½-½ Giri
Carlsen ½-½ Caruana   Topalov ½-½ Carlsen
Giri 0-1 Kramnik   Agdestein ½-½ Kramnik
Round 5 08.06.14 15:30 CET   Round 6 09.06.14 15:30 CET
Grischuk - Agdestein   Aronian - Giri
Svidler - Karjakin   Karjakin - Carlsen
Carlsen - Aronian   Grischuk - Svidler
Giri - Topalov   Topalov - Kramnik
Kramnik   Caruana   Agdestein - Caruana
Round 7 10.06.14 15:30 CET   Round 8 12.06.14 15:30 CET
Svidler - Agdestein   Aronian - Caruana
Carlsen - Grischuk   Karjakin - Kramnik
Giri - Karjakin   Grischuk - Giri
Kramnik - Aronian   Svidler - Carlsen
Caruana - Topalov   Agdestein - Topalov
Round 9 13.06.14 14:30 CET        
Carlsen - Agdestein        
Giri - Svidler        
Kramnik - Grischuk        
Caruana - Karjakin        
Topalov - Aronian        

Norway Chess 2014 | Round 4 Standings

# Name Rtg Perf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Pts SB
1 Caruana,F 2791 2985 phpfCo1l0.png ½ 1 ½ 1 3.0/4
2 Kramnik,V 2783 2842 phpfCo1l0.png ½ ½ 1 ½ 2.5/4
3 Carlsen,M 2881 2775 ½ ½ phpfCo1l0.png ½ ½ 2.0/4 4.25
4 Agdestein,S 2628 2780 ½ phpfCo1l0.png ½ ½ ½ 2.0/4 4.00
5 Aronian,L 2815 2736 ½ phpfCo1l0.png 1 0 ½ 2.0/4 3.75
6 Karjakin,S 2771 2752 ½ 0 phpfCo1l0.png 1 ½ 2.0/4 3.75
7 Grischuk,A 2792 2788 0 1 0 phpfCo1l0.png 1 2.0/4 3.50
8 Giri,A 2752 2883 ½ 0 ½ ½ phpfCo1l0.png 1.5/4 3.50
9 Svidler,P 2753 2702 0 ½ ½ phpfCo1l0.png ½ 1.5/4 3.00
10 Topalov,V 2772 2711 ½ ½ 0 ½ phpfCo1l0.png 1.5/4 2.75

The Norway Chess tournament runs 2-13 June in the Stavanger region. All photos courtesy of the official website | Games via TWIC phpfCo1l0.png

Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms.

Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools.

Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013.

As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

In October, Peter's first book The Chess Revolution will be published!

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