Karjakin beats Short in rapid match

Karjakin beats Short in rapid match

| 8 | Chess Event Coverage

The 18 year-old Ukranian GM Sergey Karjakin (pictured) has won his rapid match in Kiev against the veteran British GM and former World Title challenger Nigel Short.  The time control was 25 minutes per game plus a 10 second increment per move.  10 games were played, but Karjakin only needed 7 to reach an uncatchable 5.5 points and then won two of the last three games as well for good measure, running out a crushing winner by a score of 7.5 - 2.5.

Karjakin has been slightly overshadowed in recent times by the other young superGM's, Magnus Carlsen and Teimour Radjabov, but showed good form in the match to end a convincing winner.

The games were exciting and - not surprisingly given the fast time control -  featured some time-pressure blunders.



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