
Karjakin wins Aeroflot Blitz

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Sergey Karjakin won the Aeroflot Blitz tournament in his hometown Moscow, Russia. The Russian grandmaster finished on 15/18 in this double nine round event, half a point more than former blitz world champion Alexander Grischuk.

Moscovite Sergei Karjakin wins the Aeroflot Blitz | All photos in this report © Moscow Chess, more here

EventAeroflot Blitz
DatesFebruary 16th, 2012
LocationMoscow, Russia
System9-round Swiss, two games per round
PlayersTop players included Sergey Karjakin, Alexander Morozevich, Peter Svidler and Alexander Grischuk 
Rate of play3 minutes for the game, with an additional 2 second increment
Prize fund25,000 euro

Hotel Cosmos, the venue of the Aeroflot Chess Festival

Traditionally, one day after the Aeroflot Open's last round, the chess festival finishes with a blitz tournament. And a very strong blitz tournament, we may add! This time there were no less than 117 grandmasters, among them Sergey Karjakin, Alexander Morozevich, Peter Svidler, Alexander Grischuk, Evgeny Tomashevsky, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Baadur Jobava, Dmitry Jakovenko, Ian Nepomniachtchi, Le Quang Liem, Krishnan Sasikiran and Vallejo Pons.

A terribly strong blitz tournament attracts spectators like a magnet

Top seed Karjakin went off to a great start, scoring 2-0 against Bayarsaikhan Gundavaa, Alojzije Jankovic, Vasily Papin and Dmitry Andreikin. Then Dmitry Jakovenko held him to 1-1, but Maxim Dlugy, the retired American GM who lives in Moscow, also lost 2-0. Karjakin then also defeated Baadur Jobava (1.5.-0.5), the match which Karjakin considered to be the most difficult. The crucial match with Alexander Grischuk in the penultimate round ended in 1-1. In the final round, a 1.5-0.5 victory over Alexei Dreev was enough for Karjakin to finish just half a point ahead of Grischuk, reaching 15 points in total.

Unfortunately the games weren't saved digitally, so you really had to be there to enjoy the spectacle. One of the many spectators at the tournament was 12th World Champion Anatoly Karpov. As a member of the State Duma he is more busy than ever, but he still enjoys watching chess wherever he can.

Arbiter (of the main tournament) Geurt Gijssen, Sergey Karjakin, Alexander Bakh, Anatoly Karpov
giving a speech, and behind him the arbiter of the blitz tournament Andrzej Filipowicz

With these 18 games of blitz, Karjakin won € 7,000 euro - not a bad day at the office! Grischuk took home € 4,000. The total prize fund was € 25,000, as always sponsored by Aeroflot Airlines.

As we understand, this tournament will be calculated for the FIDE blitz ratings - the first list will appear July 1st, 2012. At the moment, Karjakin must be number one in the "live ratings"!

Aeroflot Blitz 2012 | Round 9 (final) standings (top 50)

PlaceTitleName Fed.FIDETotalMBch.Bch.Wins
1GMKarjakin, Sergey RUS276915.081.50104.507
2GMGrischuk, Alexander RUS276114.575.0093.007
3GMYu, Yangyi CHN263113.572.5091.506
4GMPopov, Ivan RUS259913.568.5087.006
5GMShimanov, Aleksandr RUS254913.081.00100.006
6GMJumabayev, Rinat KAZ257313.069.5087.006
7GMDreev, Aleksey RUS269812.581.50105.506
8GMAndreikin, Dmitry RUS268812.580.50104.505
9GMTomashevsky, Evgeny RUS274012.573.5094.505
10GMCaruana, Fabiano ITA273612.572.5093.004
11GMMamedyarov, Shakhriyar AZE274712.081.50104.504
12GMJobava, Baadur GEO270412.080.00102.506
13GMBosiocic, Marin CRO258012.078.5099.504
13GMDlugy, Maxim USA251812.078.5099.504
15GMZhigalko, Sergei BLR265812.073.5092.506
16GMGupta, Abhijeet IND265212.073.0093.505
17GMSjugirov, Sanan RUS262212.072.0092.006
18GMGopal G.N. IND256612.071.5093.005
19GMKorobov, Anton UKR266012.071.5091.003
20GMMamedov, Rauf AZE263612.069.0088.504
21GMBukavshin, Ivan RUS251712.068.0087.005
22GMWen, Yang CHN254312.067.5086.005
23GMPapin, Vasily RUS257012.064.5084.006
24GMJakovenko, Dmitry RUS272911.577.00100.004
25GMLu, Shanglei CHN251611.574.0095.004
26GMIpatov, Alexander TUR258611.571.0091.003
27GMSvidler, Peter RUS274911.570.5091.003
28GMNepomniachtchi, Ian RUS273511.568.5090.505
29GMRodshtein, Maxim ISR263411.560.5077.003
30GMGrigoriants, Sergey RUS257011.074.0094.504
31GMEljanov, Pavel UKR269011.074.0091.504
32GMBu, Xiangzhi CHN267011.073.5096.006
33GMRobson, Ray USA259611.071.5091.503
34GMAlekseev, Evgeny RUS267011.071.5090.505
35GMLe, Quang Liem VIE271411.069.5088.003
36FMArtemiev, Vladislav RUS243911.069.0086.504
37GMDubov, Daniil RUS249811.068.5087.003
38 Swayams, Mishra IND238611.067.0084.505
39GMMelkumyan, Hrant ARM262011.066.0085.005
40GMGajewski, Grzegorz POL261611.065.5085.004
41GMIturrizaga, Eduardo VEN264911.064.5085.004
42GMMorozevich, Alexander RUS276311.064.5082.505
43GMBalogh, Csaba HUN266510.576.0097.004
44IMMozharov, Mikhail RUS247810.573.5094.504
45GMKobalia, Mikhail RUS267310.572.5093.003
46FMNakhapetiane, Pogos RUS251110.571.5089.003
47IMGrigoryan, Karen H. ARM248210.571.0088.005
48GMNisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter ROU264710.569.0091.004
49GMMinasian, Artashes ARM252510.569.0089.004
50GMDobrov, Vladimir RUS249610.567.0082.003


Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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