Kasimdzhanov beats Cheparinov in round 9 GP Jermuk
Round 9
After two victories in the last fourteen games, the drawing percentage in Jermuk is back to 62% but the tournament has remained very interesting to follow. We know that Kasimdzhanov, a former FIDE World Champion, can beat the strongest players, but nonetheless he surprises positively with his shared first place after 9 rounds. Yesterday he beat Cheparinov in a fantastic attacking game that started like an Pazter - Expert encounter, where you see the Patzer starting aggression with his queenside still undeveloped, and the Expert defending smoothly and easily exploiting the opponent's weaknesses in the ending.But this time the attacker was Kasimdzhanov, and his new 17.g4!? had been prepared - an amazing move also keeping in mind the h1-a8 diagonal being opened. Initially Cheparinov's reaction was excellent, but perhaps he should have preferred 22...Rh8 or 22...Bxb2!? because what followed in the game seems more or less forced. With the exception of move 31 perhaps, where 31.Ng5 might have been even stronger, an excellent game by the Uzbek.Kasimdhanov explaining the details to Lilit Mkrtchian, Cheparinov listening
Kamsky and Leko with a beautiful background
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Round 9 games
Game viewer by ChessTempoJermuk Grand Prix 2009 | Round 9 Standings
Jermuk Grand Prix 2009 | Schedule & results
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