Kramnik Leads In Amber

Kramnik Leads In Amber

| 10 | Chess Event Coverage

After 4 rounds of the blindfold/rapid Amber chess tournament in Nice, Vladimir Kramnik (pictured) is leading the overall standings thanks mostly to his 3.5/4 score in blindfold games so far.

Kramnik's victim today was Wang Yue, who he beat in both their blindfold and rapid games.  Yue seems to be struggling so far with the unusual Amber tournament format, and currently lies last in both sections.

Latest standings and selected games below, including a nice win by Carlsen over Anand in round three and a Moro win against Topalov in round four.

The official site is here, and the organisers also have Twitter updates here.

Anand and Carlsen get to grips with their laptop computers, and each other, in their blindfold game (picture courtesy of the organisers, the Association Max Euwe).




Kramnik, Vladimir     
Radjabov, Teimour     
Kramnik, Vladimir     
Carlsen, Magnus  3
Kamsky, Gata   
Aronian, Levon  5
Leko, Peter   
Aronian, Levon   
Morozevich, Alexander  5
Morozevich, Alexander   
Morozevich, Alexander   
Radjabov, Teimour   
Aronian, Levon   
Anand, Viswanathan  2
Carlsen, Magnus   
Topalov, Veselin   
Topalov, Veselin  2
Topalov, Veselin   
Anand, Viswanathan  2
Karjakin, Sergey  2
Anand, Viswanathan  4
Radjabov, Teimour  2
Ivanchuk, Vassily  2
Leko, Peter  4
Karjakin, Sergey  1
Kramnik, Vladimir  2
Kamsky, Gata   
Ivanchuk, Vassily  1
Leko, Peter   
Ivanchuk, Vassily  3
Kamsky, Gata  1
Carlsen, Magnus   
Karjakin, Sergey  3
Wang Yue  ½ 
Wang Yue  1
Wang Yue   


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