Kramnik levels score against Aronian
Vladimir Kramnik has won Tuesday's third game of his match against Levon Aronian. The score in Zurich is now 1.5-1.5 with three more games to go.
1.e4 hasn't been too popular at the very highest level recently, but it's been played in two out of three games in Zurich! What started as a Four Knights soon became a Scotch Opening, and a sharp fight was ensured when the players castled on different flanks. At some point Aronian sacrificed his queen for a few minor pieces, and the game became both interesting and very difficult.
Below you can find the live commentary which was provided by GM Sergey Shipov during the third game, and translated by Colin McGourty.
[Commentary by GM Sergey Shipov - original in Russian at Crestbook]
[Event "Aronian-Kramnik Match"]
[Site "Zurich (3)"]
[Date "2012.04.24"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Vladimir Kramnik"]
[Black "Levon Aronian"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Annotator "ChessVibes"]
[PlyCount "83"]
[EventDate "2012.??.??"]
[TimeControl "120+17"]
[WhiteClock "0:01:03"]
[BlackClock "0:01:21"]
{Good time of the day to you, dear friends. This is Grandmaster Sergey Shipov
covering the third game of the friendly match between two stars of world chess.
I think Kramnik will have had enough time to compose himself and get in the
mood to fight. Today's game is very important for him, as having the white
pieces is a serious advantage and he needs to exploit it. I'm plagued by vague
doubts - will Vladimir again go for the Moscow Variation of the Slav Defence?
The fact that such a clear hole was revealed in his analysis in the first game
suggests that the current resident of Paris is a little out of touch with the
news from his once native Moscow... We all recall that in his World
Championship match against Anand in 2008 Kramnik lost twice with the white
pieces in the Meran Variation. Back then he decided to take the principled
approach and defend the continuation he'd picked before the match, only to
again step on a rake. Those recollections are no doubt still painful for
Vladimir now - therefore, by analogy, they might force him to reject a head-on
approach to opening strategy. But on the other hand, it all depends on what he
prepared specifically for this match. If he has no serious home preparation
stored up for other topical systems, then... I have to be frank: this match
isn't the most important event in Kramnik's life. It's unlikely he'll decide
to show off his most precious analysis. After all, there isn't that much time
remaining until the new candidates event. And here, in Zurich, the ex-World
Champion is trying to post a decent result without resorting to drastic
measures. Relying on class, as they say. It's worked more than once before,
but Kramnik's problem is that in terms of class Aronian is no longer inferior..
.} 1. e4 {My premonitions didn't deceive me. Vladimir has side-stepped - and
very abruptly.} e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 {And this is a surprise. Instead of the
expected Ruy Lopez we've got...} Nf6 {...the Four Knights. An ancient opening
which nowadays isn't popular at all. The paths to equality for Black have been
trampled and worn out by thousands of players.} 4. d4 {Introducing Scotch
motifs into the play.} (4. Bb5 {is played more frequently.}) 4... exd4 5. Nxd4
{Black has made a concession in the centre, but gets excellent possibilities
for development and counterattack. It wasn't in vain that I recalled the
Scotch Game. In the 1880s Louis Paulsen reached the current position from the
Scotch: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 and here there followed not
capturing on c6, with e4-e5 to follow, as everyone from beginners up plays
nowadays, but 5.Nc3!} Bc5 {Levon has decided not to follow the usual course of
events - so as to devalue his opponent's opening preparation and possible
novelties. However, this surprise is only relative - people played like this
back in the 19th century, and there are more than a thousand games in the
database...} ({The normal continuation} 5... Bb4 6. Nxc6 bxc6 7. Bd3 d5 8. exd5
cxd5 9. O-O O-O {has been analysed to equal endings.}) 6. Be3 {White
reinforces the centre and threatens a knight jump from d4 with tempo.} Bb6 {
Countering the threat.} 7. Qd2 {But I like this! The promise of castling long
for White can't help but delight fans of fighting chess. You just have to work
out whether the black knight coming to g4 is dangerous for White. Of course,
it also can't be bad to castle. Aronian has stopped to think - and rightly so.
Pretending to have encyclopaedic knowledge and confidence in your own ability
is only good in limited measures...} ({There was a big choice:} 7. Nf5 {,}) (7.
Nxc6 {,}) (7. Be2 {,}) (7. Bc4 {and so on. And all of them probably have their
own theory - which I don't know.}) 7... O-O {It didn't take long. The Armenian
grandmaster has come to the reasonable conclusion that you need to make simple
developing moves rather than get caught up in unclear complications.} ({The
continuation} 7... Ng4 {was tried in the encounter M. Andres Mendez - A. Sorin,
Argentina 2000:} 8. Bg5 f6 9. Nxc6 dxc6 10. Qxd8+ Kxd8 11. Bh4 Be6 12. Na4 Re8
13. O-O-O+ Kc8 14. Nxb6+ axb6 15. a3 Ra4 16. f3 Ne5 17. Bf2 {, and White had a
small but stable edge.}) ({It was probably too bold to play} 7... d5 {on
account of} 8. exd5 Nxd5 9. Nxc6 bxc6 10. O-O-O $1) 8. O-O-O Re8 9. f3 {A
picture that's pleasing to the eye! It recalls the Dragon Variation and the
English Attack in the Sicilian Defence. The f3-pawn is, on the one hand,
reinforcing the centre, but on the other hand - it facilitates a pawn storm on
the kingside. There are premonitions of a great battle...} d5 {The classics
said that the best response to a flank attack was a counterstrike in the
centre. In the given situation it's followed when there was only a hint of a
flank attack. A preemptive strike.} ({In the game B. Reefat - M. Hebden, Dhaka
1995, Black played more modestly:} 9... d6 10. g4 Nxd4 11. Bxd4 Be6 12. Rg1
Bxd4 13. Qxd4 c5 14. Qd2 Qa5 15. a3 a6 16. g5 Nd7 17. f4 b5 18. f5 Bc4 19. g6 {
and both players survived a fierce struggle, although they feared for their
lives.}) 10. exd5 {Of course a blow on e4, destroying White's structure,
couldn't be allowed.} ({White gets nothing after} 10. Bb5 Bd7 11. Nxc6 (11.
exd5 Nxd4 12. Bxd4 Bxb5 13. Nxb5 Qxd5 $11) 11... Bxc6 12. Bxc6 bxc6 {and so on.
}) ({Previously seen was} 10. Nxc6 bxc6 11. Bxb6 axb6 12. Bc4 Be6 ({it looked
obvious to play} 12... b5 $5 13. Bb3 b4 $1 14. Ne2 Qe7 {with an initiative for
Black}) 13. exd5 Nxd5 14. Nxd5 Bxd5 15. Bxd5 cxd5 16. Qxd5 Qxd5 17. Rxd5 Rxa2 {
and in the game P. Hrvacic - F. Berebora, Split 1998, a peace agreement was
signed.}) 10... Nxd5 ({It didn't lead to equality to play} 10... Nb4 11. Bc4
Nbxd5 12. Nxd5 Nxd5 13. Bg5 $1) 11. Bg5 {A very unpleasant resource. White
earns a precious tempo by attacking the queen. Defending it with f7-f6 is of
course fraught with danger. Weakening the light squares close to your king
like that might have consequences. It's also undesirable to advance with the
queen. In that case you either lose a pawn or a piece. Shield it with a knight
on e7? Well, that's an option...} Nxc3 {Aronian has responded quickly and very
creatively - he's sacrificing his queen! That decision's either brilliant, or
suicidal. Or maybe a bit of both...} ({It seems that in the line} 11... Nde7 {
Levon didn't like the continuation} 12. Nxc6 Qxd2+ 13. Bxd2 $1 Nxc6 {(not
weakening the structure by capturing with the b7-pawn)} 14. Nd5 $1 {and the
exchange of the b6-bishop will give White the advantage of the two bishops,
which in such an open position will be very significant.}) 12. Bxd8 {You don't
reject such generous gifts. Particularly if the alternatives are worse.} Nxd1 {
Black manages to pick up more fighting units, but their calibre is also lower..
. But it's too early for White to celebrate. He's risking coming under an
attack, as after all his kingside is under-developed for now, and the king is
in a draughty place. The clocks indicate: 1.33 - 1.39. As an experienced chess
player I truly admire the speed with which the Armenian maestro has taken
difficult decisions in an unfamiliar opening (I can't believe you could
prepare something like this) while also creating an unusual material and
positional balance on the board. Only a unique talent could play like that off
the top of his head!} 13. Bxc7 {Emphatically materialistic play. It didn't
turn out to be enough for Kramnik to get a queen for a rook and a piece, so
he's decided to grab a pawn as well. Well, as they (no longer the chess
classics) say, greed will take the city...} ({It seems it was no good to play}
13. Bg5 Nxd4 14. Qxd1 h6 $1 15. Bd2 (15. Bf4 $2 Bf5 16. Bd3 Bxd3 17. Qxd3 Ne2+
$1) 15... Bf5 16. Bd3 Bxd3 17. cxd3 Re2 {with very dangerous pressure for
Black.}) ({But} 13. Bh4 {was perfectly playable. For example,} Nxd4 14. Qxd1 ({
the computer suggests} 14. Kxd1 {but I'd disqualify a player for such a move!})
14... Nf5 ({it's fruitless to play} 14... Bf5 15. Bd3) 15. Bg5 h6 16. Bd2 Ne3
17. Bxe3 Bxe3+ 18. Kb1 Bf5 19. Bd3 Rad8 {and despite the visual strength of
Black's structure his chances are worse -} 20. Re1 $1) 13... Bxc7 {For a
serial killer - the death penalty.} ({White would have a clear edge after}
13... Bxd4 14. Qxd1 Be6 15. Bb5 $1 {with an exchange on c6 to follow.}) 14.
Nxc6 {The gluttony continues. Isn't it time for it to stop? Aronian has sunk
into deep calculations. It seems he's noticed resources for his opponent that
he hadn't taken into account. Analysis, believe it or not, shows that you get
an ending in which both players have a rook and a knight, but White has an
extra pawn. And it's totally unclear at what point you can sidestep that! But
have the players seen that branch? I'll demonstrate it. There's a time for
everything.} ({The weakness of the back rank would let White down in case of}
14. Qxd1 $2 Bf4+ 15. Kb1 Nxd4 16. Qxd4 Re1+ $1) 14... Ne3 {Correct. The
slightly hungry guy has to get up from the dining table. Now we've got an
absolutely critical moment in the game! Will Volodya find and go for the best
move: 15.Bb5! - that's the question. If he manages then he'll get real winning
chances, as the path to the ending mentioned above is almost predetermined. By
the way, there's nothing easier than making good moves when there aren't any
reasonable alternatives. But in the given situation there is one - retreating
the knight to b4 in order to meet the black bishop coming to f4 with the
Nb4-d3 jump, and then blocking with f3-f4. But that's significantly weaker
than the bishop coming out to b5... The Russian's having a long think. Let's
not get in his way! I'll go to the kitchen and pour myself some coffee.
There's a lot of work ahead...} ({Black wouldn't get any counterchances if he
took the knight:} 14... bxc6 15. Qxd1 Be6 16. Bd3 $1 c5 (16... Bxa2 $2 17. b3
$1) 17. Qf1 $1 {and, after putting the bishop on c4, White would have a
completely comfortable position.}) 15. Bb5 {Yes. He did it! White has
completed his development while maintaining a material edge. Capturing on c6
will lead to another white bishop becoming a serial killer. Black doesn't have
a big choice... The clocks show: 1.04 - 1.13. Taking advantage of the
thoughtfulness of the players I managed not only to drink some coffee, but
also to find an interesting way for Black to play. The suggestion is to enter
a bishop ending a pawn down! It seems it can be held i.e. not to play 15...Bf5,
which I originally considered essential, but nevertheless to take the knight
on c6, and then... I'll show that later.} ({The variation} 15. Nb4 Bf4 16. Nd3
Bh6 17. f4 Bf5 {couldn't possibly have satisfied Kramnik. It looks as though
Black's activity is very strong. Ra8-c8 is threatened, and playing sharply for
a counterattack only makes matters worse:} 18. g4 Bxg4 19. Bg2 Nxc2 $1 {and so
on.}) 15... bxc6 {Yes, that's how Aronian has played - apparently intercepting
the mental signal.} ({While this was the main line:} 15... Bf5 16. Nd4 Bf4 17.
Bxe8 Nxg2 18. Bxf7+ $1 Kxf7 19. Qxf4 Nxf4 20. Nxf5 {- would you be able to
convert such an extra pawn? In principle Black would have chances of
generating counterplay on the kingside. It seems, however, that such a
struggle for a draw struck Aronian as too dull and miserable. And, as always,
he played something more lively.}) ({It's also unlikely to have changed
anything in Black's favour to play} 15... a6 16. Ba4 $1 {, for example,} Nxg2 (
16... Bf5 17. g4 $5) 17. Qxg2 Bd7 18. Qd2 Bxc6 19. Bxc6 bxc6 20. Qd7 Bf4+ 21.
Kb1 c5 22. Qd5 {and all that's left are slim chances of constructing a
fortress.}) 16. Bxc6 {So then, both black rooks are attacked, and one of them
is tied down to the defence of the e3-knight, so if the white bishop has a
choice of which rook to take it will of course choose to strike on a8.
Therefore Black can't simply defend. He has to counterattack.} Nc4 {The most
fighting move. The white queen has a lot of retreats and for each of them you
have to calculate, calculate and calculate! It's a very tense and difficult
battle. For us, armed with computers and sitting far away, it's easy to
analyse and find tactical resources, but just imagine what it's like for the
players there, in Zurich - at the board. Their brains are no doubt boiling!} ({
I looked at} 16... Bf4 {and at first I found this branch:} 17. Kb1 Rb8 18. Bxe8
Rxb2+ $1 19. Kxb2 Nc4+ 20. Kc3 Nxd2 21. Bb5 {- the black knight is trapped,
but it's too early to resign -} Be6 22. a3 Kf8 23. Rd1 Ke7 24. Rxd2 Bxd2+ 25.
Kxd2 Kd6 26. Ke3 Kc5 27. Bd3 h6 28. Ke4 f6 {and I'm not convinced the bishop
ending is won for White. It'll be hard to break through.}) ({However, after}
16... Bf4 17. Kb1 Rb8 {the best move is probably} 18. Qd4 $1 {and the
variations that follow are full of grief:} Bf5 ({if} 18... Be5 19. Qxe3 Rxb2+
20. Kc1 Re6 21. Qd2 $1 {White transfers his bishop to b3 via d5}) 19. Qxf4
Bxc2+ 20. Ka1 Bg6 21. Be4 Bxe4 22. Qxe3 $1 ({but not} 22. fxe4 Nc2+ 23. Kb1
Na3+ $1) 22... Bd5 23. Qd4 Be6 {- the a7-pawn doesn't fall and Black maintains
chances of building a fortress i.e. White has a big advantage, but he'll still
need to work for it.}) 17. Qd4 {Played with the hope of getting at the a7-pawn
but, judging by my quick analysis, that hope isn't going to come true.} ({I
also looked at} 17. Qg5 Be6 18. Bxa8 Rxa8 19. b3 {The accurate pushing of
pawns on the queenside might have given him an edge.}) 17... Be6 18. Bxa8 ({
Worse is} 18. Bxe8 {due to} Be5 $1 {and Black manages to take on b2 with check
and only then take the bishop.}) 18... Bb6 $1 {A crucial intermezzo which you
had to have seen in advance. So we're on the brink of the transition to a
position with an unusual material balance, where White has a queen and two
pawns to Black's three minor pieces. Formally White has a noticeable advantage,
but in reality the weakness of the white king might tell. Additionally, Black
always has drawing resources involving constructing a fortress. Moreover...
moreover that transition mentioned above might still not happen. While
analysing just now I found a completely amazing variation in which you get a
different material balance. You won't believe it, but I brought it to a win
for White in a pawn ending. I'll prove it... Meanwhile, Kramnik is approaching
time trouble: 0.28 - 0.45.} ({Here it was no good to play} 18... Be5 {due to}
19. Qxa7 Bxb2+ 20. Kb1 Be5 21. Rd1 {- Black's attack here is ephemeral, while
the power of White's passed pawns is very real.}) ({Capturing with} 18... Rxa8
{doesn't lose immediately. It's just that it's a few human hair widths less
subtle than the continuation in the game. There might follow:} 19. Qe4 $1 Rb8 (
19... Rc8 $5) 20. b3 Nd6 21. Qe3 $1 Bb6 22. Qf4 Bc7 23. Rd1 {with a persistent
initiative for White.}) 19. Qd3 {Yes, this is the move I considered the main
line. Here you can simply take the bishop, or you can continue the attack with
intermezzos. Aronian is choosing...} ({Allow me to rush ahead and show you the
proposed scenario of events:} 19. Qd3 Rd8 $5 20. Qe2 Be3+ 21. Kb1 Na3+ $1 22.
Ka1 (22. bxa3 $2 Rb8+ 23. Ka1 Bd4+) 22... Bc4 $1 23. Rd1 Rxa8 24. Rd3 Rb8 25.
Qd1 Bxd3 26. Qxd3 Nxc2+ 27. Qxc2 Bd4 {- it seems as though Black has equalised,
but keep following -} 28. a4 Bxb2+ 29. Qxb2 $1 Rxb2 30. Kxb2 Kf8 31. Kc3 Ke7
32. Kc4 Kd6 {- it seems as though the black king is in time, but let's keep
going -} 33. Kb5 Kc7 34. h4 $1 h5 {- I also looked at other replies and it was
tough to find a defence -} 35. Ka6 Kb8 36. g4 hxg4 37. fxg4 f6 38. h5 Ka8 39.
Ka5 $1 Kb8 40. Kb4 $1 Kb7 41. Kb5 Kc7 42. Kc5 Kd7 43. Kd5 a6 44. a5 {- and
Black's in a decisive zugzwang. 1-0! Of course that extremely long variation
contains N mistakes. Please have a look for them yourself. I saw one of the
mistakes almost immediately myself: at the end of that long scenario Black
isn't obliged to take on b2. He should play a7-a5 and put his bishop on b4,
and the draw will become obvious.}) 19... Rxa8 {No. Levon has decided not to
get clever, and I understand him perfectly. Staking everything on a long
drawn-out attack with lots of unobvious tactics, when there's a reasonable
materialistic alternative, would be impractical.} 20. Re1 {So then, the
positional stage of the battle has begun. White needs to convert his pawn
superiority on the queenside. But he needs to do that with extreme accuracy.
It wouldn't be bad at all to exchange rooks or carry out some other roughly
equal exchange. But Black will, naturally, try to prevent that. His chances
lie in active counterplay, in threats to the white king. Well, and a fortress
- as a last-ditch defence.} Rd8 {Black repulses the threat of blows on e6 and
c4 with a counter-threat.} 21. Qe4 {It's nice to make moves which you've got
no doubts about.} ({Everything else simply lost:} 21. Qc3 $2 Bd4) ({or} 21. Qb3
$2 Bd4 22. c3 Be3+) 21... g5 {Now there's some luft! A whole window's worth.
It seems Aronian is starting his trademark play on the edge, or over the edge,
of acceptable risk - specially for time trouble. The clocks show: 0.26 - 0.19.}
({I only considered the more accurate means of safeguarding the king:} 21... h6
) ({or} 21... g6) 22. c3 {Kramnik's response is restrained and solid. He has
no need of superfluous adventures. He's got the edge, and he needs to improve
gradually.} Bc5 {Yet another provocative move. The bishop's heading... who
know's where.} ({Any normal player in Levon's position would have played} 22...
h6 {, defending the pawn which in some lines drops with check. True, a normal
player ending up in Zurich in a match against the ex-World Champion is alas
something that's just not fated to happen...}) 23. Re2 {It's understandable to
play more solidly, so as not to blunder.} ({The computer's diabolical} 23. h4
$1 Bf2 $1 24. b3 $3 {can be included in the chess curiosities section.}) ({But
} 23. f4 {looked perfectly reasonable.}) 23... h6 {Provocation is all well and
good, but it's also important to maintain a cool head. The position is very
complex. Don't pay too much attention to the computer's evaluations. White
also has plenty to be worried about. Strictly speaking, they're playing for
all three results.} 24. g3 {And again Vladimir acts extremely cautiously, with
a triple safety margin.} ({Here as well the obvious move was} 24. h4) 24... a5
{An attempt to nevertheless get at the white king. Or perhaps simply a means
of scaring his opponent.} ({The metal enemy of all living things here
recommends} 24... Rd5 {but personally I'm not convinced that things would be
good for Black after} 25. Qxc4 Rd1+ 26. Kxd1 Bxc4 27. Re8+ Bf8 28. b3 Bd5 29.
Ke2 {and so on. The bishop pair is of course a force to be reckoned with. But
a rook and a couple of distant passed pawns aren't weak either.}) 25. f4 {The
time had come. You can't just defend! And you also can't fail to take
advantage of Black's somewhat frivolous g7-g5.} a4 {A real race to attack has
begun. It's too late to get frightened now. You have to advance with no
thought of death! The players have got less and less time at their disposal: 0.
13 - 0.06.} 26. f5 {White's a move ahead. He attacks first.} Bd5 {Black isn't
far behind.} 27. Qd3 {Vladimir replied instantly. That's a tried and tested
means of playing in your opponent's time trouble - making your moves in
batches, preparing in advance for your opponent's most likely moves. That's
how you can manage to "flag" your opponent. By the way, let me remind you that
the time control in use doesn't include an increment until the 61st move. So
Aronian has 6 minutes for 15 moves, and not a second more.} Bb6 {Defending the
d8-rook. I have to admit Black's manoeuvre doesn't look convincing. His pieces
are hanging in the air...} 28. b3 {The start of close-range combat.} ({It was
possible to up the pressure with} 28. h4 $1) 28... axb3 29. axb3 Na5 {The only,
but sufficient response for Black. Sufficient to maintain the intrigue. Time
is slipping away like water into sand: 0.07 - 0.03. Someone's blood is about
to be spilt!} 30. Re8+ ({It also looked good to play} 30. Qb5 Nxb3+ 31. Kc2 Bc5
32. Re5 $1 {and Black suffers material losses.}) 30... Rxe8 31. Qxd5 {The
exchange sacrifice has given White a dangerous attack. The queen is at full
strength - now to take something.} Rd8 32. Qb5 Rd6 {The black pieces are
holding onto each other like mountain climbers. If one slips the others will
hang on.} 33. Kc2 {Unhurried and powerful. The white pawns will soon enter the
battle and claim victory for White.} Kg7 {It seems Levon's already playing
with his flag about to fall.} ({There was more hope of survival after} 33...
Bd8 $1) 34. b4 Nb7 35. c4 {Black can't avoid material losses. The only hope
remaining is to build a fortress.} Rf6 36. g4 Nd8 37. c5 Bc7 38. Qd7 Nc6 39. b5
Na7 40. Qxc7 Nxb5 41. Qe5 {The time control has passed with no-one exceeding
their time limit. A fortress or not a fortress? I think the pinned rook and
the almost complete absence of moves for Black will have their say. White's
close to victory. He needs to include his king in the struggle...} Na7 42. Kd3
{And there it is. Arriving, let's say, on d5, the white monarch will shatter
his opponent's shaky foundations. BLACK RESIGNED! A vivid and memorable win
for Kramnik. The game was so complex that it's difficult to even know where to
place the emphasis right away. All that's clear is that Aronian sowed the wind
and reaped the whirlwind. With his creative, original play he created problems
both for his opponent and for himself. Though there were more for himself...
My thanks to the players for fascinating and highly artistic play! The score
in the match is now level: 1.5 - 1.5. Tomorrow I'll be waiting for you all,
dear fans, for the fourth game. Working for you has been Grandmaster Sergey
Shipov. All the best!} 1-0
The players ranked number 2 and 3 on the FIDE rating list are competing against each other over six classical games. They'll play an additional rapid game if the main game on any given day is drawn in under three hours, but so far this hasn't happened yet. Game 4 will take place on Wednesday, Thursday is a rest day, and the final two games are scheduled for Friday and Saturday.
Live commentary
Sergey Shipov is a highly acclaimed Russian grandmaster, coach, author and commentator. His Russian annotations at Crestbook are being translated by Colin McGourty, who did this many times before on his own site Chess in Translation. More information on the match can be found here.
Anish Giri
Our ChessVibes Training co-editor Anish Giri is also annotating the games for his own website.
Saturday, 21 April: 15:00 Game 1
Sunday, 22 April: 15:00 Game 2
Monday, 23 April: Rest Day
Tuesday, 24 April: 15:00 Game 3
Wednesday, 25 April: 15:00 Game 4
Thursday, 26 April: Rest Day
Friday, 27 April: 15:00 Game 5
Saturday, 28 April: 13:00 Game 6
Videos by Macauley Peterson