Linares Rd 11 - Grischuk Edges Closer To Victory

Linares Rd 11 - Grischuk Edges Closer To Victory

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All games in round 11 at Linares ended in draw, leaving Alexander Grischuk (pictured) still leading by a clear point on 7/11.  Vassily Ivanchuk is second on 6/11, followed by Carlsen, Anand and Aronian on 5.5/11.

Only Aronian came close to victory in the round, playing with the black pieces against Dominguez.  Aronian had the edge in this tactical encounter, but Dominguez managed to reach a drawish rook endgame a pawn down and ended the game with a pleasing stalemate tactic.

1 Grischuk, Alexander   RUS   2733 7
2 Ivanchuk, Vassily  UKR  2779 6
3 Carlsen, Magnus  NOR  2776  
4 Anand, Viswanathan  IND  2791  
5 Aronian, Levon  ARM  2750  
6 Radjabov, Teimour  AZE  2761 5
7 Wang Yue  CHN  2739 5
8 Dominguez Perez, Leinier  CUB  2717  


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