
Many strong tournaments coming up

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Many strong tournaments are scheduled in the coming weeks. An overview, for February and March.

1-3 February: Noteboom Tournament

This weekend a strong weekender in Leiden (The Netherlands) is ongoing: the annual Noteboom Tournament, a memorial for the Dutch chess player Dani?ɬ´l Noteboom. This year GMs Nikolic, Van den Doel, Nijboer, Dgebuadze, Lalic, Li Shilong and Van der Wiel participate.

2-10 February: Moscow Open

Today the open tournament of Moscow starts. Strongest participants are Akopian, Malakhov, Inarkiev, Zviagintsev, Timofeev, Tiviakov, Amonatov and Miroshnichenko. Main arbiter, by the way, is ex-world champion Boris Spassky.

13-23 February: Aeroflot (Moscow)

The Moskou Open is always followed by "big brother" Aeroflot, with rating sections 2200-2399, 2400-2549 and even 2550-. The terribly strong top group has amongst others Amonatov, Bologan, Jobava, Motylev, Jussupow, Sutovsky, Timofeev and Vachier-Lagrave. Like last year, the winner qualifies for the super tourmanent of Dortmund in June this year.

14 February - 8 March: Morelia/Linares

February 14, in Morelia (Mexico) the second super tournament of 2008 starts. Just like in recent years, there the first half of Morelia/Linares will be held. The Mexican part takes place 14-23 February; then the players fly to Spain for the Linares part (28 February - 8 March). The participants are Anand, Aronian, Carlsen, Ivanchuk, Leko, Radjabov, Shirov and Topalov. NB: in Linares, ChessVibes will be present for (video) reports!

16 - 23 February: Cappelle la Grande

The huge open tournament of Cappelle la Grande has, as always, one big group of around 600 players - more than 90 GMs and more than 70 IMs from over 70 countries this year! On top of the list we see Gashimov, Fedorchuk, Miroshnichenko, Moiseenko, Kotronias, Burmakin, Vitiugov, Spraggett and l'Ami.

3-11 maart: Reykjavik Open

The Reykjavik Open is also quite strong this year. Players such as Wang Yue, Wang Hao, Baklan, Mikhalevski, Malakhatko and Caruana travel to the island where Fischer spent his last years.

14-28 March: Melody Amber

14 - 28 March are the dates for the traditional Melody Amber Tournament. This year the annual blindfold and rapid event won't be held in Monaco but in Nice. Participants: Kramnik, Anand, Topalov, Morozevich, Mamedyarov, Leko, Ivanchuk, Aronian, Gelfand, Carlsen, Karjakin and Van Wely. Not only the complete world top, but ChessVibes too will be present!
Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms.

Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools.

Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013.

As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

In October, Peter's first book The Chess Revolution will be published!

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