Morelia/Linares starts in one week
Morelia/Linares is an eight-player, double round-robin and is held from February 14 till March 8. Participants are Anand, Aronian, Carlsen, Ivanchuk, Leko, Radjabov, Shirov and Topalov. The first part takes place 14-23 February in the Mexican city of Morelia, after which the players fly to Spain for the second part of the tournament: February 28 - March 8 in Linares.
[TABLE=148]Today some information about the cities; tomorrow we'll have profiles of the players.MORELIAMorelia is the capital of the Mexican state of Michoac?ɬ°n de Ocampo. The city has a population of approximately
Somewhere between February 23 and 28, the players will fly to Spanje. In Linares, where this top event has been organised for many years, the second half of the tournament will be played.LINARESLinares is a city located in the Andalusian province of Ja?ɬ©n, Spain. With its approximately 60,000 inhabitants, it's about ten times as small as Morelia. It's famous for being the birthplace of both Andr?ɬ©s Segovia and the singer Raphael. The hotel Anibal, where the tournament is always taking place, has the same name as the model as the terrain-vehicle produced by car company Santana Motor, which makes vehicles for the Spanish army and is located in Linares (Wikipedia).
Tomorrow: profiles of the players.External link: