Moro Loses Again At Biel

Moro Loses Again At Biel

| 8 | Chess Event Coverage

Alexander Morozevich suffered his second consecutive loss with the black pieces in round six at the Biel GM tournament.

After obtaining a good position out of the opening, Moro was trying to press home his advantage when he erred badly with 43...e6.  A few moves later 49...Kxf6 lost any hope of saving the game as several deadly pins proved to be his downfall.

A tough loss for Morozevich, who drops back into the pack on 3/6, leaving Ivanchuk the sole leader on 3.5/6.

In the other games Caruana tried an interesting sacrifice against Gelfand in the Petroff defence, but it quickly petered out to a draw.  Ivanchuk had some play against Vachier-Lagrave, but a nicely timed sacrifice by the latter ensured the draw.

The standings after round 6:

Ivanchuk, Vassily   UKR   2703   
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime  FRA  2703 3
Alekseev, Evgeny  RUS  2714 3
Morozevich, Alexander  RUS  2751 3
Caruana, Fabiano  ITA  2670 3
Gelfand, Boris  ISR  2755  

Gelfand defuses Caruana's sacrificial ambitions with his trusty Petroff (pic from the official site)

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