New and Improved Stats

New and Improved Stats

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For all of you Stats lovers out there, here is what we've refreshed and added for your enjoyment.


Right off the bat, when you select Stats from your main navigation you will notice a completely new page! This is your Stats Overview. Here, you can view your game and puzzle totals, as well as your ratings for each game type.

As you click through the time frames across the top of your overview, you'll notice the totals, ratings, and deltas change because they reflect the time frame selected. The small green or red numbers beneath your rating indicate how much your rating has increased or decreased from the first day in your selected time frame to the last. Click into any of the game stat pages to check out what's next!

Stats Overview

Updated Game Pages

We've refreshed the game pages (bullet, blitz, rapid, etc.) with a new look and a few components! First up, at the top of the page you can now select a time frame. Clicking these will cause your stats below to reflect games played in that time frame.

Time selector

As with the Overview page, we've added a delta to your rating so that you can easily see any changes from the first to the last day in the selected time frame. 

rating deltaBeneath the line graph we've added your average accuracy, below that number you will also see a total of how many analyzed games we've included in that average. 

average accuracyFinally at the bottom of this main section we've added a more detailed view of your game results to help add context to your total wins, losses, and draws.

game result detailsThere is one last new component on this page you may have thought I missed. 👀
Above the time selectors you'll notice a "Compare" button!

compare button


Clicking "Compare" from any Stats Game Page will take you to a whole new page where you can view your stats side-by-side with any user on the site! To compare your stats with another user, you can either type their username in, or navigate to their Stats page and select "Compare" from there. Once viewing stats side-by-side, be sure to click into each game type to reveal the totals, win/loss/draw records, and rank.

Compare page

We are excited for you all to experience our updates and additions to Stats! As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions you have to improve

*These updates are currently only available for web. 

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