We have just received, from Bulgaria, a small but effective monography on the Queens Indian Defence, written by two outstanding GMs:
The Petrosian System against the QID.
Four-times Soviet champion Alexander Beliavsky and world-class trainer Adrian Mikhalchisin will win many new fans for this reliable system, invented by Petrosian and energized by Kasparov.The 4.a3!? system is rich in strategic ideas and attacking possibilities, and the authors show that in what some consider to be an equalizing line, Back still has quite a few problems to solve.For only ?¢‚Äö¬¨19.95 you will get an accessible entry into this fascinating system. In 12 chapters you will learn the structures in all main lines, but also see early deviations, rare answers and gambit lines.
Each chapters starts with an exposition of Main Ideas, followed by a Move by Move section and rounded off by clear Conclusions. Very good for the holidays: no need to memorize tons of sharp variations!Please have a look at what is
simply a very good opening book.