
New & full of novelties: Yearbook 86

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Yearbook 86 has just arrived from the printers. In the 250 pages of this issue of The Chess Player's Guide to Opening News you will get an answer to the following questions:
  • What did Sosonko have in store against the sharp 5...b5 in his Catalan years?
  • Is the Riga Ruy Lopez busted by a reader from Austria?
  • Has Magnus Carlsen found the easy way to beat the Najdorf?
  • Whose Caro-Kann book is best: Karpov's, Houska's or Wells's?
  • Is Black OK after Evgeny Naer's deep novelty in the Poisoned Pawn?
  • Which obscure French line is a specialty of two 18-year-old top talents?
  • What is Zviagintsev's latest experiment -- in the Caro-Kann this time?
  • Can Etienne Bacrot play ...d5 in all Spanish lines?
  • Has Tkachiev found the antidote to the popular 7.d5 gambit in the Nimzo QI?
  • Which colour does Kasimdzhanov prefer in the Paulsen Sicilian?
  • Is pawn c5 in the S?ɬ§misch King's Indian poisoned?
  • Is Karpov's treatment of the Rauzer too passive?
  • Does Gata Kamsky's novelty put an entire Benoni line in revision?
  • Will Kortchnoi's 4...Nd4 be the new craze in the English Opening?
  • And much more...

Please have a look at this "must-have book for both chess enthusiasts and chess professionals" (as Carsten Hansen said about the Yearbook on ChessCafe).
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