
New & full of opening novelties: Yearbook 92

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YB 92Yearbook 92 has just arrived!

In this issue of The Chess Player's Guide to Opening News you will find answers to urgent questions like:

-- Why does Anish Giri prefer the English Attack to the Keres Attack? -- Is Anand busted in the Poisoned Pawn Variation? -- Why doesn't Andrey Volokitin trust Rybka in the Evans Gambit? -- Does Rombaldoni's 13.Rb6 sound the death knell for the Exchange Grünfeld? -- Is Fischer's move ...Bc4 also a good weapon in the 6.Bg5 Najdorf? -- Is the Catalan-like 6.g3 the move of the future against the Chebanenko Slav? -- What bizarre move is the latest craze against the Perenyi Attack? -- With what move does Caruana like to stir up the Exchange Alekhine? -- What is Viktor Moskalenko's try at a refutation of the Benko Gambit? -- Can Black attack in the KI with 9.Ne8, the move picked up by Radjabov? -- Can White take on b7 in the Marshall Petroff ? -- Are Black's problems over in the Capablanca Variation of the Réti Opening? And much more...

"All serious chess players should read these outstanding books", is what Carsten Hansen wrote about the Yearbook on ChessCafe.

Please, have a look at the full contents of Yearbook 92.
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