
New In Chess 2009/6: normal or outstanding?

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NIC 09/06When looking at the new issue of New In Chess (2009/6), it occurred to me that maybe we are taking too much for granted.

I mean: this issue has exclusive on-the-spot grandmaster tournament reports from San Sebastián, Philadelphia, Biel (Switzerland), Dortmund, Dieren (Holland) and Sao Paulo.

You can expect that from us, but maybe it isn't normal. We have contributions by more than twenty top GMs from more than ten different countries. Maybe that's extraordinary.

Among those are Kramnik, Aronian, Leko, Svidler, Morozevich, Nakamura, Ponomariov and the world youngest GM: Anesh Giri.

And just because you know New In Chess, it may not surprise you that Maxime Vachier-Lagrave comments on his game against Morozevich, probably the most entertaining game of the year so far. So be it.

And we're not talking about the exclusive and revealing interview Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam had with Nakamura; or Rowson on the illusion of talent. What we're trying to say is: this new issue is, as usual, outstanding.
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