
New: the Trompowsky is still going strong

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Starting out: the Trompovsky AttackStarting Out: the Trompowsky Attack has just arrived.

On the 269 pages of this latest volume of the Starting Out series, Richard Palliser covers all the main lines of this ambitious opening and he includes tips, notes and warnings to help the reader understand their chosen lines.

Few openings allow White to stamp his authority on the game as early as the Trompowsky. After 2.Bg5, the King's Indian, Nimzo-Indian, Modern Benoni, Grünfeld or even the Benko Gambit are being side-stepped.

The Trompovsky is not hard to learn and it can be used as a surprise or a full-time opening to be employed against 1.d4 Nf6. This makes it an ideal opening for improvers, club and tournament players of all levels.

Garry Kasparov has enjoyed successes with the Trompowsky in his many simultaneous exhibitions, and players as Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Michael Adams and Antoaneta Stefanova are still playing it today.

You can learn from the inspiring games of these and many other leading grandmasters and become a Trompovsky expert yourselve.
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