Nigel Short to play Sergey Karjakin in rapid event

Nigel Short to play Sergey Karjakin in rapid event

| 6 | Chess Event Coverage

From 3 until 7 july British IGM Nigel Short will play a rapid chess match against IGM Sergey Karjakin from the Ukraine. The match will take place in Kiev at the Academic Puppet Theatre. The games will be broadcast live. 

It will be interesting to see how Short will fare against the young world top player. I don't remember any recent rapid matches by Short. He did play a rapid match against Kasparov in 1987 that was very interesting. Nowadays he regularly plays blitz games at, but that is a different ballgame. Not too long ago he was in some sort of a rapid situation during the World Cup tournament in Khanty-Mansiysk Siberia, when he lost a speed chess tie breaker to the German David Baramidze, mainly due to Baramidze's very late arrival and Short's subsequent anguish.

Anyway, I will root for him.
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