Old Hands Defeat Snowdrops

Old Hands Defeat Snowdrops

| 25 | Chess Event Coverage

vlastimil hort.jpgThe fourth annual "Snowdrops versus Old Hands" tournament was won by the Old Hands by a convincing margin of 21-11.

The tournament was organised by the Prague Chess Society with sponsors Czech Coal and pitted a team of veteran chess players (the Old Hands) against a team of young women players (the Snowdrops).

The venue was the spa town of Mariánské Lázně in the Czech Republic, and a previous half-way report in the event can be found here.

Each team consisted of four players and the format was a double Scheveningen (each team member plays each player on the other team twice). The time control was 90 minutes for 40 moves, and then 30 minutes to finish with a 30 second increment from the start.

The Old Hands team were Vlastimil Hort (pictured), Boris Gulko, Robert Hübner and Rafael Vaganian.

The Snowdrops team were Maria Muzychuk, Natalia Pogonina, Tania Sachdev and Eva Kulovana.

The final results table:

Snowdrops  O1  O2  O3  O4  O1  O2  O3  O4  11
S1  Pogonina Natalia  ½  ½  ½  ½  ½  0 0 ½  3
S2  Sachdev Tania  0 ½  ½  ½  0 ½  0 ½ 
S3  Muzychuk Maria  ½  1 ½  ½  ½  ½  1 ½  5
S4  Kulovaná Eva  0 0 ½  0 0 0 0 0 ½

Old Hands  S1   S2   S3   S4   S1   S2   S3   S4   21
O1  Hübner Robert  ½  1 ½  1 ½  1 ½  1 6
O2  Gulko Boris  1 ½  ½  1 ½  ½  0 1 5
O3  Vaganian Rafael  1 1 0 1 ½  ½  ½  ½  5
O4  Hort Vlastimil  ½  ½  ½  1 ½  ½  ½  1 5


The top individual scorer and former world #3, GM Robert Hübner




The best performing snowdrop, IM Maria Muzychuk

Maria_Muzychuk snowdrops 2011 top scorer.jpg



WGM Natalia Pogonina scored a creditable 3 points

Natalia Pogonina_snowdrops2011 -3.jpg



GM Boris Gulko has a lifetime plus score against Garry Kasparov!




IM Tania Sachdev from India scored 2.5 points

Tania Sachdev_snowdrops2011 - 4.jpg



GM Vlastimil Hort

Vlastimil Hort_oldhands2011-rd6.jpg



GM Rafael Vaganian




WGM Eva Kulovana at the closing ceremony with tournament director Pavel Matocha

Eva_Kulovanova_snowdrops2011-closing ceremony.jpg


Robert Hubner offering his glass snowdrop trophy to Tania Sachdev

Sachdev_hubner_snowdrops2011_closing ceremony.jpg
Photos and games from the official tournament website.
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