
Piece awareness, not pattern recognition!

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Chess MazesMany chess exercises focus on improving your tactical awareness by recognizing patterns.

There is, however, a book on the market which does something entirely different. The title of this book gives little clue to what's it about: Chess Mazes.

I can see how finding a good title for this book was never going to be easy, because this is truly unexplored terrain.

Bruce Alberston, its author, has created a unique approach at getting better at chess, by teaching you how to increase the awareness of your pieces by visualizing their movements.

By mastering Alberston's ingeniously crafted training material you will learn to exert better control and command of the full potential of your pieces. Still sounds vague?

Well, here is another try: you have probably been told many times that it always pays to look how you can can improve the position of your pieces. This book (at only €16.95) makes you better at doing that.
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