Play Chess Against The Chess Club Regulars
Are you ready to take down an old elementary school chess champion? Think you can go head-to-head with a notorious chess hustler? These local legends with classic chess player personality tendencies are eager to accept your challenge!
Meet the Chess Club Regulars: Gavin, Lauren, Freddy, Grandpa Gambit, and Maya. The chess club closes next month, so play some games with them before they're gone! Just click the button below:
Strength: 650
Gavin was his school’s 3rd grade chess champion over twenty years ago, and he won’t let you forget it. Can you beat this former elementary school legend?
Strength: 1000
Lauren is the self-proclaimed "Office Queen of Chess." She plays on her lunch break and during boring meetings. Can you win quickly before she gets in trouble at work?
Strength: 1325
Freddy is a chess hustler from New York City. He makes his living hustling in the parks but runs away when he loses a big bet. That’s why he always wears his favorite tracksuit.
Grandpa Gambit
Strength: 1650
Grandpa Gambit is a lifelong chess player known to regale his opponents with a chess anecdote of his past…or two. Ready to take a trip down memory lane?
Strength: 2050
Maya is a child prodigy who commands a crowd any time she plays a game. She sits across the board, adjusts her pieces, and opens her fruit snacks. You’re in big trouble.
These bots are only here for the month of May, so play them before it's too late. And let us know who's your favorite in the comments section below!