Allthough the whole world is focused on that tournament going on in Mexico's capital, we have to return once more to that little Czech town Karlovy Vary where I had a chance to
stay for a few days last week. Today the
tournament, that lasted as long as the first half of the Wch, has finished with a shared win for Ponomariov and Movsesian, their 4,5 out of 7 being enough.
After six rounds Akopian was leading the field together with Movsesian, but the Armenian lost to Shirov while Ponomariov beat Laznicka, catching up with Movsesian who drew with Timman today. Things didn't go well for the 76-old Korchnoi, who scored only 1,5 points in Karlovy Vary.Final standings:
1-2. Ponomariov, Ruslan 2706 4.5
1-2. Movsesian, Sergei 2667 4.5
3-4. Akopian, Vladimir 2708 4.0
3-4. Navara, David 2656 4.0
5. Shirov, Alexei 2735 3.5
6-7. Laznicka, Viktor 2594 3.0
6-7. Timman, Jan 2560 3.0
8. Korchnoi, Viktor 2610 1.5
Here four game fragments. The first two involve the ever-interesting lad David Navara. The third is today's game Shirov-Akopian, that might be theoretically important for the Marshall and so if any Mexico participants or seconds are reading this, check this game! The last one is Ponomariov's nice finish of today that got him to shared first.