Rematch Ivanchuk-Leko starts with two draws
Player | ELO | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Result | |
Ivanchuk, V | UKR | 2779 |
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1 |
Leko,P | HUN | 2751 |
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1 |
The organiser behind the match is Josef Resch, President of Universal Event Promotions, which you might remember from the Anand-Kramnik match. In Mukachevo, a small town in western Ukraine, he founded the local chess club "32x64" a year ago, which organized a great number of different chess events already.Two interesting quotes from the players, taken from the official website:
Leko: "I have become much stronger, and my play is more various now. I hope I'll have a few more chances to get the world crown. I have got a lot of experience and now I know what the World Championship means and next time I won't make the same mistakes. Though I didn't win the match with Kramnik, I am still an optimist. I'm looking forward to new meetings and tournaments. From year to year I like winning more and more and if you work hard and honestly it won't be in vain. I'm still growing and developing as a chess player."
Ivanchuk: "Chess is many-sided game in my view. It combines not only sport and art but psychology of life and philosophy. Chess influence a lot on our world outlook especially when a person plays chess very well. I thing the science of philosophy is rather close to chess. But when we speak about art I thing music, theatre and ... circus are the closest to chess. Chess managed to combine a lot of things which seem incompatible. For example logic and poetry. The main - thing is never stop working. Once M.Botvinnik said: "If you want to play chess very well you have to learn the whole life." I fully agree with him. I'd like to win, to make my rating higher. I'm still very ambitious but today I'm more balanced and calm so I can get a real pleasure from the play and show good results."Links: