Round 6 - U.S. Women's Chess Championship - Zatonskih cruises away from the field

Round 6 - U.S. Women's Chess Championship - Zatonskih cruises away from the field

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After the "rest day" which involved most of the competitors participating in chess promotional events, various simuls, the kick off of Chess for Life at Barnes Hospital's Siteman Cancer Center, Sci-Fest at the Saint Louis Science Center and a co-op simul back at the CCSCL, it couldn't have been very restful. 

But anyway. Play continues today! 

Round 6 is underway and the commentators are commentating. Exciting games today, maybe Anna Zatonskih will drop a point, probably not likely today, but maybe. Who knows? Can she be stopped? Interesting games to come, look out for some new video updates and photos later on. Enjoy the pairings and standing for now. 

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Also Kudos to's Dpruess for live game analysis on which I believe he'll be returning to on Tuesday. 

Final Result! Zatonskih takes it down to the wire but scores the point defeating Alisa Melekhina moving farther ahead from the field. Looks like Anna Zatonskih is poised to retain her title. Check it out below. 



Results! Fan Yun, 2 words, sweet tactic. Check out the final moves for the truth of the matter. 51. Nxf5! Game over MAN! GAME OVER! Fan Yun 1, Tatev Abrahamyan 0. 




Results! Graduate student and all around nice lady Iryna Zenyuk drops one to another really nice lady Camilla Baginskatie who continues to play solid heading into the final rounds. Check it out below. 


Result 2! IM Irina Krush takes down Battsetseg with the black pieces and I can hear her coming down the stairs arguing about move orders n' stuff with some guy. And they've just walked into the commentary room for analysis. 




RESULTS! Foisor pushed Goletiani clear off the board today with the white pieces, domination from the young student! Check it out below. 


Game Update: All boards are under 20 minutes with 15 moves to play to time control. 

Photos Update: Round 6 Paparazzi Time! Photos courtesy of Betsy Dynako. 


Game of the Day Update: Zatonskih with the white against 2nd Place Alisa Melekhina. Melekhina has a 40 minute advantage on the clock at the moment, kind of a surprise. 


Photo Update: Here's some Round 5 photos photos courtesy of Betsy Dynako. 



Sabina-Francesca Foisor vs Rusudan Goletiani

Anna Zatonskih vs Alisa Melekhina

Yun Fan vs Tatev Abrahamyan

Iryna Zenyuk vs Camilla Baginskaite

Battsetseg Tsagaan vs Irina Krush

Standings after 5 Rounds. 


1 Anna Zatonskih 2492 2462 ½ - 1 - - 1 1 1 -
2 Camilla Baginskaite 2356 2317 ½ ½ - ½ - - - 1 1
3 Alisa Melekhina 2253 2220 - ½ ½ ½ 1 - - 1 -
4 Irina Krush 2490 2458 0 - ½ 1 - - ½ - ½
5 Rusudan Goletiani 2437 2391 - ½ ½ 0 - 1 - ½ -
6 Sabina Foisor 2379 2320 - - 0 - - 0 1 ½ 1
7 Battsetseg Tsagaan 2265 2258 0 - - - 0 1 ½ - 1
8 Iryna Zenyuk 2271 2285 0 - - ½ - 0 ½ - 1 2
9 Tatev Abrahamyan 2342 2275 0 0 0 - ½ ½ - - - 1
10 Yun Fan 2134 1935 - 0 - ½ - 0 0 0 - ½
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