Semi-Finals Underway In Kazan

Semi-Finals Underway In Kazan

| 22 | Chess Event Coverage

The semi-finals of the Candidates matches to determine the next challenger for Vishy Anand's world title got underway today in Kazan.

One semi-final pits American Gata Kamsky against Boris Gelfand of Israel, the other is an all-Russian affair between Alexander Grischuk and former champion Vladimir Kramnik.

Decisive games at have been thin on the ground so far in Kazan, and today was no exception with both opening semi-final games ending in draws.

Gelfand kept faith with the Najdorf and despite Kamsky having a pleasant positional plus throughout much of the game, he couldn't convert it into anything more substantial.

Kamsky wearing his St.Louis Chess Club ring




The game between Grischuk and Kramnik was over in just 16 moves when the players declared peace in a QGD. In tense matchplay situations with a lot at stake it is difficult to criticize players, but Grischuk's lack of ambition with the white pieces was quite striking.

One is tempted to ask...would Magnus Carlsen have agreed to a 16-move draw with white against Kramnik?

A lack of inspiration, or a lack of fighting spirit? Grischuk drew meekly today with white




The second games of the semi-final matches start tomorrow at the usual time of 3pm in Kazan (11:00 UTC, 07:00 Eastern).

Live coverage and more is available at the official website, and live video of the playing hall is available here.  Look out for announcements of more coverage here at!

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