
Shirov, Svidler and Mamedyarov play this Bundesliga weekend

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BundesligaThe 12th and 13th round of the Schachbundesliga take place the upcoming weekend and the top teams of Baden-Baden, Eppingen and Bremen will meet in Eppingen with very strong line-ups for some top-class matches. For the first time in its history, the Bundesliga has published the team line-ups in advance, in order to offer all chess fans an overview of some upcoming matches.

The top match of the whole season will be Bremen against Baden-Baden on Sunday. Bremen will compete with the strongest line-up ever in his history. Four rounds before the season ends Baden-Baden is clearly leading the Schachbundesliga but Bremen has the opportunity to handle them their first loss. This and all other matches of the Schachbundesliga will be covered live on the internet.

Playing venue Tegernsee: Saturday, 28th of February, 2 pm (12th round) TV Tegernsee - SV M?ºlheim Nord Bayern M?ºnchen - SF Katernberg Sunday, 1st of March, 10 am (13th round) SV M?ºlheim Nord - Bayern M?ºnchen SF Katernberg - TV Tegernsee
Playing venue Solingen: Saturday, 28th of February, 2 pm (12th round) Aljechin Solingen - SC Kreuzberg SV Wattenscheid - USV TU Dresden Sunday, 1st of March, 10 am (13th round) SC Kreuzberg - SV Wattenscheid USV TU Dresden - Aljechin Solingen

Playing venue Hamburg: Saturday, 28th of February, 2 pm (12th round) Hamburger SK - SC Remagen SF Berlin - SG Trier Sunday, 1st of March, 10 am (13th round) SC Remagen - SF Berlin SG Trier - Hamburger SK
Playing venue Eppingen: Saturday, 28th of February, 2 pm (12th round) SC Eppingen - Werder Bremen OSG Baden-Baden - Turm Emsdetten Sunday, 1st of March, 10 am (13th round) Werder Bremen - OSG Baden-Baden Turm Emsdetten - SC Eppingen

Line-ups of the teams in Eppingen:

Baden-Baden 1 Alexei Shirov (2726) 2 Peter Svidler (2727) 3 Michael Adams (2734) 4 Sergei Movsesian (2732) 5 Etienne Bacrot (2705) 6 Pentala Harikrishna (2659) 7 Arkadij Naiditsch (2678) 8 Rustem Dautov (2601)

Werder Bremen 1 Shakhriyar Mamediyarov (2731) 2 Pavel Eljanov (2720) 3 Zahar Efimenko (2680) 4 Alexander Areshchenko (2664) 5 Laurent Fressinet (2676) 6 Georg Meier (2558) 7 Michael Roiz (2677) 8 Tomi Nyb?§ck (2634)

SC Eppingen** 1. Sergei Tiviakov (2686) 2. Ferenc Berkes (2645) 3. Zoltan Gyimesi (2592) 4. Falko Bindrich (2517) 5. Robert Ruck (2574) 6. Peter Acs (2542) 7. Zoltan Medvegy (2556) 8. Namig Guliyev (2521)

Turm Emsdetten on Saturday 1 Michael Feygin (2569) 2 Ruud Janssen (2524) 3 Wouter Spoelman (2459) 4 Daan Brandenburg (2436) 5 Anish Giri (2466) 6 Alexandr Kabatianski (2436) 7 Martin Zumsande (2411) 8 Michiel Bosman (2346)

Turm Emsdetten on Sunday 1 Michael Feygin (2569) 2 Ruud Janssen (2524) 3 Wouter Spoelman (2459) 4 Anish Giri (2466) 5 Alexandr Kabatianski (2436) 6 Christian Richter (2403) 7 Martin Zumsande (2411) 8 Michiel Bosman (2346)


Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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