Tal Memorial - Round 3

Tal Memorial - Round 3

| 17 | Chess Event Coverage

At last some decisive games at the Tal Memorial in Moscow!  The quality has been very high so far, but there's nothing like some blood on the board to raise the pulse rate!

Fittingly, it was world champion Anand who was first to bag a victory, pouncing on an inaccuracy from Svidler.

Next up was Aronian, who out-prepared and outplayed Leko in a sharp Anti-Meran gambit.

But the most impressive win was arguably a truly amazing display from Kramnik (pictured) against Morozevich.  Is this an all-new agressive Kramnik with the black pieces?  We want more!

So at last there is a leaderboard worth showing...

Anand, Viswanathan   IND   2788 2
Kramnik, Vladimir  RUS  2772 2
Aronian, Levon  ARM  2786 2
Ponomariov, Ruslan  UKR  2739  
Carlsen, Magnus  NOR  2801  
Ivanchuk, Vassily  UKR  2739  
Gelfand, Boris  ISR  2758  
Svidler, Peter  RUS  2754 1
Leko, Peter  HUN  2752 1
Morozevich, Alexander  RUS  2750 1

Round 4 starts tomorrow at 3pm local time as usual.  Live coverage at the official site here.










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