During the last three days, ChessVibes.com has been unreachable for a total period of approximately seven hours. According to our hosting provider, at several points their server couldn't handle the CPU load anymore. We would like to apologize for the fact that we were down for such a long time. After some analysis, we've come to the conclusion that it was you, our audience, who caused the damage. The Corus Chess Tournament by itself generates about six times as many visitors as we had in early January, but both Bobby Fischer's death and the Short-Cheparinov Soap on top of that, resulted in an enormous peak, which was too much for the shared server we were using. A killing success - and we'd like to thank you for that!As from yesterday afternoon, ChessVibes is running on a dedicated server. We have the feeling it's now responding considerably stronger, and it should be able to handle our growing chess audience.