
The voting is open for ChessCafe's Book of the Year

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Until January 29th, 2012 you can vote for ChessCafe's Book of the Year award. There are three finalists and one of these books happens to be written by one of our co-editors, Yochanan Afek.

The following books were sent in as nominees for the 2011 Book of the Year Award:

  • 1001 Deadly Checkmates by John Nunn
  • Chess Lessons by Vladimir Popov
  • The Complete Hedgehog, Volume 2 by Sergey Shipov
  • Counterplay by Robert Desjarlais
  • The Grandmaster Battle Manual by Vassilios Kotronias
  • Grandmaster Chess Strategy by Jürgen Kaufeld & Guido Kern
  • Grandmaster Repertoire 8 and 9: The Grünfeld Defence by Boris Avrukh
  • How to Reassess Your Chess, 4th ed. by Jeremy Silman
  • Invisible Chess Moves by Yochanan Afek & Emmanuel Neiman
  • Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 & 2 by Tibor Karolyi
  • Lessons with a Grandmaster by Boris Gulko and Dr. Joel R. Sneed
  • Modern Chess Move by Move by Colin Crouch
  • My Best Games (Updated Edition) by Victor Korchnoi
  • The New Old Indian by Alexander Cherniaev and Eduard Prokuronov
  • Understanding Chess Middlegames by John Nunn

Three books received the most votes from readers in the past few weeks (in alphabetical order:)

How to Reassess Your Chess
by Jeremy Silman
Invisible Chess Moves
by Yochanan Afek & Emmanuel Neiman
Lessons with a Grandmaster
by Boris Gulko & Dr Joel R. Sneed

Round two is open for voting from January 18 until January 29, 2012. The title then receiving the highest number of votes will be the 2011 Book of the Year. The winner will be announced February 1, 2012.

What follows is a 'shameless plug' for the title co-written by one of our very own co-editors, IM Yochanan Afek. Invisible Chess Moves was mentioned in this review here at this site.

Everyone reading these lines will know Yochanan from the weekly endgame studies here at ChessVibes - many of them composed by Yochanan himself. The Israeli IM is an active player himself, as well as a trainer and writer.

Co-author Emmanuel Neiman is a successful coach in the Paris region and in fact the son of a famous Israeli painter.

Invisible Chess Moves was first published in France by Payot and later in both English (by New in Chess) and Spanish (Casa del Ajedrez). Afek told us that a Russian publisher has shown strong interest in the manuscript as well.

Boris Gelfand bought the book before coming to Wijk aan Zee and read it with much enjoyment. Oh, and in fact last year's winner Yasser Seirawan also bought a copy at one of the book stalls!

he added. As mentioned before, Yochanan is playing many roles in the chess world. 'Politician' is not one of them, but he sure knows how to campain. ;-) In any case, we won't even try staying objective here and invite you to vote for his book (or one of the other two) by sending an email to


As one of our readers pointed out, an illegal copy in Persian of the book can be found at the Iranian (!) website (and here at our own server).

An image from the Persian version of Invisible Chess Moves

Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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