After two more fighting draws the score is still level in the 6-game rapid match between Ivanchuk and Leko in Mukachevo, Ukraine. Again, in one of the games Ivanchuk probably missed a win.4th-6th January Ivanchuk and Leko play two games a day with a time control of 25 minutes + 10 seconds per move. Today at 15:30 CET is game 5 and 17:00 CET is game 6, to be followed
live here.Ivanchuk changed his 1.Nf3 to 1.d4 in game 3 but the game turned into a Catalan anyway. The position quickly became very tactical, and Leko could perhaps have reached a slightly better ending with the surprising move 18...Qd5. In the game it was fairly equal all the time.In game 4 Leko went back to 7.Nb3 against Ivanchuk's Najdorf, but again the Hungarian didn't get any advantage out of the opening. In fact Black soon grabbed the initiative and in the ending his advantage must have been winning at some point, but Leko managed to escape with a draw.
Match score
Player |
1 |
2 |
3 | 4 |
5 |
6 |
Result |
Ivanchuk, V | UKR |
2779 |
¬? |
¬? |
¬? |
¬? |
2 |
Leko,P |
2751 |
¬? |
¬? |
¬? |
¬? |
2 |