US Team for the Olympiad announced

US Team for the Olympiad announced

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The US teams for the Dresden Olympiad have been announced.  The Chess Olympiad is the premier team chess event in the world and takes place biennially.  The 2008 event takes place from 12-25 November.

In 2006 the US Men's team won the Bronze medal and in 2004 the Women's team won the Silver medal.  Will there be more medals this time?  The women's team for 2008 includes Rusa Goletiani of! Cool

Men's Team

Varuzkan Akobian
Gata Kamsky
Hikaru Nakamura
Alexander Onischuk
Yuri Shulman


Women's Team

Tatev Abrahamyan
Rusudan Goletani
Irina Krush
Katerina Rohonyan
Anna Zatonskih

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