The strongest player in Spain is Alexei Shirov. Of course it was he who played on board one for Spain at the Turin Olympiad in May. But since he didn't participate in the
Spanish championship, it wasn't too difficult for
Francisco Vallejo Pons to claim the national title this week.
The championship was held in L?ɬ©on.
The beautiful playing hall in Hotel Conde Luna. (Photos: bulletin, www.campeonatoespanaajedrez2006.com)Here a fragment of Vallejo's fourth round game, against Pablo Garcia Castro.
Vallejo Pons-Garcia Castro
Spanish Ch (04), 2006
Everyone who calls himself a tactician feels it coming:
30. R4d5! Bxd5 (30...cxd5 31. Bxe5+ Kf8 32. exd5 Bxd5 33. Qg6 is over) but surprisingly, Vallejo did not continue with 31. Bxe5+ Rxe5 (31... Kf8 32. exd5) 32. exd5, which is resigns for Black. Instead he played (the not that bad either)
31. exd5?! when 31...Qe1 would have been a bit tougher for White. But Black chose
31...Nf7 and lost quickly after
32. Qg6+ Kf8 33. dxc6 bxc6 34. Rf6 Rd8? (better 34...Qd5)
35. Bxc4 and soon 1-0.
>> replay the champ's games