Update: press conference video added
In the second game of the World Championship Match Viswanathan Anand started with 1.d4 and in a very complicated Nimzo-Indian the players agreed on another draw at move 32. We have photos and the game with comments - a video with the press conference will follow later.The second day here at the Art & Exhibition Hall was much less hectic than yesterday. It's logical that all media that are remotely interested want at least to cover the start of such an important match, and in that sense a second game is of course much less important. However, apart from feeling slightly less nervous perhaps, it doesn't really make a difference for the players if they're entering the beautiful stage and take their seats under the theater spotlight to begin their first, second or seventh game - it's all part of the big match that's so very important for both players.About half an hour before the start of the game, the familiar opening guessing started in the press room, and probably in many places elsewhere:
- "What do you think, a Petroff?"
- "Yeah, sure, probably a quick draw again."
- "Not but that's too obvious, Kramnik will have prepared something else, like against Kasparov."
- "Or maybe Anand won't even go for 1.e4; he's played 1.d4 a few times, right?"And then everybody went downstars to witness the start of the second game, and it turned out that the last person was right.

Anand has played 1.d4 and Kramnik goes for a Nimzo-Indian
Like yesterday we're happy to present IM Merijn van Delft again, who has followed the game during the day here in Bonn and shares his thoughts of game 2:
Name |
Nat. |
Rtg |
14/10 |
15/10 |
17/10 |
18/10 |
20/10 |
21/10 |
23/10 |
24/10 |
26/10 |
27/10 |
29/10 |
31/10 |
Anand |
2783 |
?Ǭ? |
?Ǭ? |
1 |
Kramnik |
2772 |
?Ǭ? |
?Ǭ? |
1 |

The setting on stage, where the players spend so many thrilling hours

Sponsor logos are everywhere, perhaps even at the bottom of the pieces!

A World Championship Chair

Reigning World Champion playing with the white pieces...

...against Vladimir Kramnik with Black this time

3...Bb4 - an Nimzo is on the menu today

A lot of photographers, you think? Well, just about 1/4 of those who were there yesterday!

An old line from the Nimzo-Indian S?ɬ§misch Variation leading to a complicated, queenless middlegame

Look who paid a visit to the press room today: Kramnik's seconds Peter Leko...

...Laurent Fressinet...

...and Sergei Rublevsky, who turned 34 today

At the press conference the players discussed some lines with GMs present in the audience
Here's our playlist of videos. A video of the second game press conference will be added as soon as possible.Links: