Exercitatio Artem Parat vs United Nations For Chess: The Sicilian Dragon

Exercitatio Artem Parat heeft gewonnen

Sicilian Defense: Old Sicilian, Open, Accelerated Dragon Variation

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Sicilian Defense,Old Sicilian, Open, Accelerated Dragon Variation: The Accelerated Dragon (or Accelerated Fianchetto) is a chess opening variation of the Sicilian Defence that begins with the moves: 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 g6 The Accelerated Dragon features an early ...g6 by Black. An important difference between this line and the Dragon is that Black avoids playing ...d7–d6 so that ...d7–d5 can be played later in one move, if possible. Black also avoids the Yugoslav Attack, but since White has not yet played Nc3, 5.c4 (the Maróczy Bind) is possible. The Accelerated Dragon generally features a more positional style of play than in many other lines of the Sicilian. One of the main lines continues: 5. Nc3 Bg7 6. Be3 Nf6 7. Bc4 (diagram), when the most important Black continuations are 7...0-0 and 7...Qa5. White should not castle queenside after 7...Qa5, unlike in the Yugoslav Attack. 7...0-0 is the main line, after which White should proceed with 8.Bb3. If Black plays 8...d6, White usually continues 9.f3 as in the Yugoslav Attack. Black often plays 8...a5 or 8...Qa5, however, after which castling queenside can be dangerous, and it is often a better idea for White to castle kingside.
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Exercitatio Artem Parat
Exercitatio Artem Parat
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United Nations For Chess
United Nations For Chess
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