My beloved uncle Robert, taught me how to play chess, about 40 years ago (boy has it been that long, how time fly).  I have played off and on but never with the intensity that I play here on


Every single time that I play I think of my uncle, the times that I was sweating bullets trying to beat him on those hot summer days setting in the yard with mosquitoes biting me, how nice is that.  He taught me how to fight and play on my own terms, and the will to go on no matter how bleak it may look. 

 I didn’t really realize how much I love playing until, not only do I play but I have a purpose with each and every match that I play and that is to become a better player, which will make me a better person.


If you find yourself reading these words drops me a line, hopefully we will have a match or two, by the way, I could never beat my uncle.  I have tried to get him to play online but to no avail as of this day.  Anyway chess anyone???Cool