
Hello, welcome to Detective Hunter's profile and under here will be information about me.happy.png

Name: Hunter

Age: I'm 14 years old, 2k8 (*/**/2008)

Hobby: I like play chess and listen to music (and i want to make friends and get to know everyone)

And if you want to see my latest blog or the blog I did, here it is

My good friends:

@Quangminh6c, @XuanChuong1902, @LM_WangjiaOfHeilongjiang, @GM_caonhuthanh2k10

@MrQuyToc, @I-Love-Sky


@DragonSlayer2k10, @SUPER-DRAGON


@Cloud-Sky, @IceBear-Sky06

And this is the end, goodbye everyonegrin.png